Thursday, August 9, 2012

Review: Her Forbidden Hero by Laura Kaye

Men in or out of uniform are so HOT! HOT! HOT! HOT! I have a soft spot for soldier stories and an extra special soft spot for wounded warriors.

Alyssa and Marco grew up together along with Alyssa’s brother Brady. They did everything together. This was done more out of necessity to protect Alyssa from their abusive father. Once Alyssa had grown up and went to college, Brady and Marco joined the military. They were Special Forces.

While involved in the war Marco was hurt and medically discharged from the military. Now Alyssa has graduated from college and is working at the same bar that Marco works at. All of the sudden, Alyssa is no longer a little girl and Marco is seeing her as a woman. Alyssa has always had a major crush on Marco and now she needs to get him to open up to her and treat her a woman!

Marco is not the same man Alyssa knew all those years ago. He doesn’t want to hurt her and knows Brady would kick his ass! Slowly, over time, Marco and Alyssa become more than friends. But, of course, Marco screws it all up! He ends up hurting Alyssa on more than one occasion. But then, we only hurt the ones we love, right?

This is a heartwarming story that will tug at your heartstrings. Ms. Kaye does a fantastic job of showing how sometimes our men and women in uniform have scars that you can’t see and they take a long time to heal, much longer than physical scars.  I fully intend to read more from Ms. Kaye. I hope she writes more about men in and out of uniform, because like I said, they’re HOT! HOT! HOT!

1 comment:

Maria D. said...

Thanks for the review! I have this on my kindle to read later and just haven't found the time


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