One author I came across is Cristal Ryder. Not only do her books look sinfully delicious, but she is an extremely sweet woman. I was blind sided by how easy (and willing!) she was to talk to! It was delightful surprise. They way she took the time to answer each question thoroughly makes me want to read her books even more. But it wasn't just the blog hop stuff, it was the genuine kindness in her words that I liked so much. Below is a guess who snippet from one of her male heroes and an excerpt to her new book Rock-Hard Heat, out today. Enjoy!
Can you figure out who I am? Let’s see if I can stump you.
Okay, I’ll give you the first hint, an easy one. A gimmie for you, I’m a guy that loves women.
But I’ve been burned and I’m a little cautious of you gals. You can be so soft
and sweet and warm one minute, and then like a spitting cat the next. Totally
confusin’. Now to be a bit cryptic – make you think a little *evil smile* I have
two items of clothin’ that I wear every day and they do help with what I do. Ride.
Oh and one can get slung onto the bedpost. Think about it.
I make my home in the wild and remote west where Mother
Nature can be kind or cruel. It tests me and my lovely heroine at one point.
There is a little bit of family intrigue that dates way back when and has to do
with that fine precious metal – gold. We have to ride into the mountains to see
these places my ancestors prospected.
I’m not a fan of talking about how I look, but I’ve been
asked. So, all I’ll give ya is I’m tall, fairly athletic and would have no
problem lifting my darlin’ into my arms. What I do for a living keeps me fit
and muscles toned.
Front of a roarin’ fire or a blanket in the snow. Take your pick. I’ll have no
trouble keepin’ ya warm.
Do you know me yet?
Sounds scrumptious, doesn't he? If you want to know more about this hero, check out the Who Am I ?
An Excerpt From: ROCK-HARD HEAT
Copyright © CRISTAL RYDER, 2012
All Rights Reserved, Ellora’s Cave Publishing, Inc.
It had been a glorious couple of days before Chet had to head down
and get back to real life. She smiled and enjoyed the heat that bloomed
in her belly, remembering their first lovemaking session after being
apart for so many months. Desire for her cowboy never failed to heat her
blood and she longed for him now. She wanted him with her in the soft
mountain water, which caressed her skin so seductively.The grime and dust of her prospecting activities at Chet’s great-great-uncle Chester’s old claim sluiced off in the creek’s current and left her skin pink and tingly. She wasn’t ready to get out yet and closed her eyes, drifting lazily.
Chet couldn’t confirm when he’d be back and Jenna had gotten used to staying here on her own when he wasn’t with her. At first, he’d been hesitant to leave her, but she insisted and he’d learned a while ago how stubborn she could be. So they compromised. He made sure she was checked on daily by a ranch hand, had taught her to shoot and left the rifle by the door. The radio was primed in case she needed immediate help and his dog Belle stayed with her. All was good with the world.
Letting her legs drop, Jenna curled her toes into the creek bed and stood. The water was deep, just covering her breasts. They bobbed at the surface, buffeted by little eddies of current. She tipped back, ducked her head in the water and swept her long red tresses out of her face. When she stood, it hung to her shoulders and fanned out on the surface of the water like a halo.
A sense of wellbeing filled her and her heart swelled with happiness. Never had such a strong sensation of belonging, being home, been so sharply etched within her. She knew she had been born on the wrong side of the continent. It was here she should have grown up and experienced life, not back east. Jenna inhaled the crisp mountain air and gazed at the bush around her. It was just as beautiful in the summer as in the winter. Her love for this land grew daily and it truly pained her to think of leaving it. And Chet.
She brushed the disturbing thought aside. It was a while before she’d be packing her bags. Jenna’s gaze took in the brand new sluice box. Chet had replaced the broken-down one with a much more modern setup here at the creek and farther up-river where the tree came down. Chester’s old one was being restored and eventually would be donated to a local history museum. She was determined to find his secret claim and Chet had humored her all the way. Jenna smiled and excitement bubbled inside her at the news she had to tell him.
The gurgle of water over the dam of rocks mixed delightfully with the birds singing in the trees. Jenna was at peace. She sighed and shivered with a slight chill from the cool mountain water. Goose bumps rose along her flesh and her nipples hardened, aching with the cold. She cupped her breasts in her palms, the hard nubs pressing against her flesh. This time the shiver that rippled through her wasn’t from being chilled.
“Chet, when are you going to get here?” she whispered to the silence of the surrounding trees.
“What’s the matter, darlin’? Miss me?”
Jenna spun around, sending a splash of water in a sparkling arc. The wonderful, sexy drawl of Chet’s voice slipped around her like hot honey and she warmed under his gaze. He stood on the little rocky beach where they had made love on the bank of chilly snow last winter. She couldn’t help the smile that broke wide on her face when their eyes met.
“Chet.” His name fell from her lips in a breathy sigh.
He had one booted foot propped on a large rock, his elbow rested on his knee. The faded, worn jeans tightened over his muscular thighs and Jenna’s breath snagged in her chest. She let her gaze roam over the typical plaid cowboy shirt which also strained across his powerful chest and shoulders. He poked his cowboy hat back with a finger and winked at her. She knew what lay beneath those clothes and she hungered for him. He was a feast for her eyes and she needed feeding.
“Now then, this sure is a sight to behold. It’s a damn good thing I decided to come myself and not send Blake to check on you.”
“I’d say I have to agree with that, cowboy.”
“Last time I checked we didn’t have mermaids in these parts. Just goes to show you can learn somethin’ new every day.” He straightened and started to unbutton his shirt. “Want some company?”
“I thought you’d never ask.”
Since Rock-Hard Heat was released today, I will being giving away a copy of it from Ellora's Cave! Please fill out the Rafflecopter form. It makes my like much easier when choosing a winner. The contest will run one week. Thank you and good luck! a Rafflecopter giveaway
I've not read any of Cristal's books before but this book sounds really sexy and sensual. Would love to check it out. Thanks for the chance to win.
This would be a new read for me also... but yum! Gotta love a cowboy!
I have not read any of Cristal's books, but I would love to. Rock-Hard Heat sounds delicious. Thx for giveaway.
Cristal is a new to me author. Excerpt was fantastic though!
I haven't read Cristal's books yet, but when I saw all the posts the other day on the hop I really want to.
I read Crystal's book "Hot Fusion" and I really enjoyed it. Would love to read this newest one
Thanks for visiting! I'm glad to see so many new-to me readers :) I hope you enjoy my stories as much as I love to write them.
Hot excerpt. This book sounds really good. Thanks for the giveaway.
I've only read one of Cristal's books so far, Seeing Ariana.
Ive not read any of Cristals books, but will definitely be looking forward to it now!
Kerryjcj AT verizon DOT net
I have not read any of Cristal's books, but this one sounds really good!
i have not yet read any of cristal's books but they look smokin!!!
jaimela77 at gmail dot com
Nope, haven't read any of your work yet, but that can be remedied!
mcv111 at hotmail dot com
No, i dont believe that ive read anything by her. Thank you!
The cover of your book looks HOT! Can't wait to 'get to know' your man.
I haven't read any of Cristal's books yet. Her book cover is very hot.
luvfuzzzeeefaces at yahoo dot com
Thanks for the great excerpt. This book sounds fantastic. Can't wait to read it. Great cover.
I have some of Cristal's works on my wish list but haven't read them, yet. It is time for me to start buying and reading.
Tracey D
booklover0226 at gmail dot com
I don't believe I have read any of Cristal's books but they do sound fascinating. Thank you for sharing.
elewkf1 at yahoo dot com
I haven't read any of here books yet, but would like to.
Thanks for visiting everyone! It's great to be disocvered by new readers. If you do pick up one of my books, I hope you enjoy them.
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