villain was your typical power-hungry maniac thinking he can take over and
reign supreme if only he can remove two warrior obstacles. He sometimes reminded me of a cartoon baddie
up to dastardly deeds. I often half
expected him to do the “muahahaha” laugh.
Goofy, I know.
conflict, while believable, just felt a little on the weak side. I won’t complain though as it made for a
fairly light-hearted read (not counting when Shade talks about what he and
Ambrose lost in during the Angelic Wars, I about cried there). The best part about this book is actually
the supernatural element. The concept
of there being so many different types of creatures and the underlying promise
that we’ll get to meet many more of them, makes for a fun, interesting
good review. I love coming in on a new series.
This book sounds absolutely lovely!
Thanks for the review! Sounds good
sounds great and I love the cover. :)
Just popping in to say HI and sorry I missed visiting with you on party day! Hope you all had a good time!
kareninnc at gmail dot com
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