decides she has to find Rebecca. Sara goes to to the art gallery to find
Rebecca and reassure herself that she is OK. While at the art gallery, Sara
finds out Rebecca is on extended leave and is offered Rebecca’s job. Sara is
thrilled with the job offer. Finally Sara will get to be part of the art world,
a world she gave up many years ago and continue to look for Rebecca. As she
works at the art gallery Sara can’t help but feel like she’s becoming Rebecca.
She feels as though she’s living Rebecca’s life.
While at
the art gallery Sara meets Chris Merit, a famous artist. She and Chris start a
romantic affair that is twisted in so many ways. Chris and Mark, Sara’s boss,
are constantly at each other. It’s obvious they were once friends but now
compete with each other instead. Sara is caught in the middle. Chris keeps
trying to warn Sara away while at the same time pulling her to him. Chris warns
her that she doesn’t belong in this world and she’s better off leaving. Chris
finally shows Sara his dark side by taking her to the private BDSM club Mark
owns. Sara is shocked and can’t process what she’s seeing. She refuses to give
Chris the chance to explain. We’re left at the end of the story with a chilling
parallels between Alfred Hitchock’s Rebecca and If I Were You are uncanny. The
mystery surrounding Rebecca, the man she falls in love with, and finding out
what happened to Rebecca all speak to me. It’s intriguing, dark, and
completely captivated by Sara and Chris. The romance between them is hot
and the sex is ever hotter. There are so many things I want to know! I want to
know how Mark fits into the picture. I want to know what happened to Rebecca. I
want to know what happens to Sara after she’s trapped. I want to know why Chris
hasn’t contacted Sara again. It’s all killing me! I have to know! Unfortunately
we don’t get the answers to those questions in this book. I must now wait for
the second book, Being Me. I don’t have a release date for that book yet. I’ve
said it before and I’ll say it again, I love cliffhangers (and this one is a
doozy) but I’m not a patient woman. So, get cracking Ms. Jones! Or I may just
send Mark after you!
For those
of you reading this and wondering why I’m going to send Mark after Ms.
Jones……You’ll just have to read the book and find out!
from If I Were You
We are
almost to the gallery, and a knot has formed in my stomach at the prospect of
an awkward goodbye, when he suddenly grabs me and pulls me into a small enclave
of a deserted office rental. Before I can fully grasp what is happening, I am
against the wall, hidden from the street and he is in front of me, enclosing me
in the tiny space. I blink up into his burning stare and I think I might
combust. His scent, his warmth, his hard body, is all around me, but he is not
touching me. I want him to touch me.
presses his hand to the concrete wall above my head when I want it on my body.
“You don’t belong here, Sara.”
The words
are unexpected, a hard punch in the chest. “What? I don’t understand.”
“This job
is wrong for you.”
I shake
my head. I don’t belong? Coming from Chris, an established artist, I feel inferior,
rejected. “You asked me why I wasn’t following my heart. Why I wasn’t pursuing
what I love. I am. That’s what I’m doing.”
“I didn’t
think you’d do it in this place.”
place. I don’t know what he’s telling me. Does he mean this gallery? This city?
Has he judged me not worthy of his inner circle?
Sara.” He hesitates, and lifts his head to the sky, seeming to struggle for
words before fixing me with a turbulent look. “I’m trying to protect you here.
This world you’ve strayed into is filled with dark, messed up, arrogant
assholes who will play with your mind and use you until there is nothing else
left for you to recognize in yourself.”
“Are you
one of those dark, messed up, arrogant assholes?”
He stares
down at me, and I barely recognize the hard lines of his face, the glint in his
eyes, as belonging to the man I’ve just had lunch with. His gaze sweeps my
lips, lingers, and the swell of response and longing in me is instant,
overwhelming. He reaches up and strokes his thumb over my bottom lip. Every
nerve ending in my body responds and it’s all I can do not to touch him, to
grab his hand, but something holds me back. I am lost in this man, in his
stare, in some spellbinding, dark whirlwind of…what? Lust, desire, torment?
Seconds tick eternally and so does the silence. I want to hold him, to stop
whatever I sense is coming but I cannot.
worse.” He pushes off the wall, and is gone. He is gone. I am alone against the
wall, aching with a fire that has nothing to do with the meal we shared. My
lashes flutter, my fingers touch my lip where he touched me. He has warned me
away from Mark, from the gallery, from him, and he has failed. I cannot turn
away. I am here and I am going nowhere.

Thank you so much for agreeing to the interview. I’m very excited about this! I loved If I Were You! I have a real soft spot for dark, twisted novels that are this steamy!
inspiration for this book was a journal your DH found in a storage unit he
bought, like in Storage Wars. Is any part of the story in If I Were You from
the actual journal you found or is it all made up?
There really was a journal though it was
nothing like the one in the book. Years ago, DH worked at a Physical Therapist
and the office was suddenly shutdown. We needed money and I saw a small article
about storage actions. This was WAY before the tv shows. He decided to go and
check it out. He bought a unit and it began what was years of him doing that.
The units could be interesting, disgusting, sad. Sometimes you knew from things
you found the people had died, or divorced, or went to jail. Sometimes you just
didn’t know. So one day DH found a journal and he was sick so he laid down and
started reading. He was completely absorbed and kept exclaiming things
like ‘she’s pregnant again!’ and
‘someone died next door and the police are there!’. He started bugging me to
write a story about a journal and a
mystery and for years he kept pushing. And so the story came about...
Did you search
for the owner of that journal like Sara does?
No. Buying units is a tough biz. You have to try not to get
personally involved or to think about the owners. It’s not easy and I didn’t
like that part. Now, had we thought someone was hurt that would have been
different. We found a sawed off shotgun with a filed away serial number and we
called the police right away.
You advertise
this as Fifty Shades of Grey meets Basic Instinct. I can definitely see that in
the first story. I actually compare it to Alfred Hitcock’s Rebecca. Since I see
on your website you are movie buff, I have to ask did the movie Rebecca have
any influence on your story?
this case other than Basic Instinct there isn’t really another book or movie influence.
I drafted this story before Shades existed and it set on an editors desk for
over a year. So even Shades wasn’t a real influence. The story units were. I
mean heck, in our first unit we found a very erotic sex drawer I had to clean
out! The curiosity over the units formed ideas and I took notes. The Basic
Instinct comparison will become more apparent as the trilogy continues but
there are lots of ways that comes into play. There are people obsessed with
other people....just how obsessed? We shall see! I do enjoy writing a good
suspense plot and DH’s love of suspense and scary things has influenced
Chris comes across as a Dominant Alpha Male but then you allude to him being submissive, or liking to take pain, when he’s talking to Sara. Is he really a switch or should we be anticipating another twist to this story?
I don’t want to tell too much on this:) Book 2 will give you answers I promise. However, Chris isn’t submissive so I don’t want anyone to suddenly worry he’s going to become someone they don’t think he is. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t have some surprises in store!
The book has a
definite BDSM twist to it at the end. Are we going to see more of that in the
future books?
You will see a lot
more of this element in book 2.
Since there is
a BDSM element to the book, people will want to know if you have first hand
knowledge/experience or is it all research? If it is all research, did you talk
to anyone in the lifestyle to be sure you were accurate?
I did a lot of research and believe me, that
was interesting. And talking to people who know things you don’t is critical.
We don’t have to do everything in our books but we need to know they ring true.
I’m completely
hooked on Chris and Sara. Plus I have to know what happened to Rebecca. When
can we expect Being Me to be released?
I wish I could get it out sooner, and I’m working on a possible January shift,
but I have some deadlines I need to attend. I have these characters in my head
though, and they really don’t want to wait. I can’t wait to write book 3 at
this point because I’m so excited about what happens in it.
Where did the
inspiration for the art gallery and using artists come from? What inspired that
part of the story?
I have been to
San Francisco many times and always been intrigued by the art world.
What other
projects do you have in the works right now?
I have a busy schedule. I have a Blaze trilogy and a really hot
Spice Brief out. I’m in the new 12 Shades of Surrender anthology releasing with
HQ. I have a new Werewolf Society story out September 1. A new Tall, Dark, and
Deadly (Blake’s story!) October 15th, and a new Urban Fantasy series
December 21. I am really excited about the Urban Fantasy.
You have quite
an impressive list of books, 8 different series (that I counted, please correct
me if I’m wrong), not including the Inside Out Trilogy. GoodReads has you
listed with 67 different books. How long have you been writing?
Some of those
books are different languages and editions. I believe I’m at about 40 original stories. I start writing in
2003 before I sold my staffing agency. I worked 80 hours weeks at my business
so I just don’t know how not to work all the time. I write 7 days a week.
How scary was it for you to sell your staffing agency to go
to writing full time? Had you already published at that point?
I was published
but not making any money at being published. It was scary mostly because even
when I sold I was offered a lot of money to stay in five years. Walking away
from that was a risk and a lot of people in my life thought I was nuts. I have
sense thought of a Will Smith saying ‘If you aren’t with me when I’m on the
bottom, you aren’t with me when I’m on the top’. I have a few people who really
fit that saying and that’s hard to swallow. DH was with me on the bottom and
held me up when I was ready to give up. But also, on the scary part. What
scared me the most was being ten years older and still doing something I hated.
Well, when I write a story I really need the
characters I am writing at the time to the ones I love the most and they
are. However, Sara and Chris, and the
gang, have made that very difficult. They refuse to get out of my head so other
characters can get in. The story I am writing right now started very slow for
that reason. I just couldn’t get to know my characters.
Do you plan
your characters and storyline or does it come to you as you write? What happens
when you do plan the story but you find it going in a different direction? Do
you go in that new direction or stick to your original one?
For novella I will often just have an idea and
then let it take form. For a full sized novel I draft an outline. But for
instance with IF I WERE YOU, I had a full outline, but it was a guide only. Rarely
does it end up just as I draft it. If it did I’d be worried my characters
hadn’t become their own people, driving the story rather than the outline.
What do you want your readers to get from your books?
I want them to be feel touched by the story,
and ideally, after they reach THE END.
something readers wouldn’t know about you?
Hmmm, the question is-- is any of it interesting? DH is 9 years
younger than me and I have a complex about that. Had I known his age I would
never have gone out with him and he knew it and avoided that question. And yet,
I’ve never written a younger man and older woman story....I think I need to!
Briefs or Commando?
The right man can
make all three look really good!
or ereader?
Audio. I am a gym
addict so when I’m at the gym I listen to audio books to get my fix. Love them!
Demon or Shifter?
Well, DH would say
VAMPIRE’S rule but I have taken to my Werewolves, so shifters might just have
to get my vote.
Sandals or Sneakers?
I love a chance to
wear heels because I spend so much time in tennis shoes and slippers!
or Thigh Highs?
I left my pantyhose
back in the corporate world so neither is my choice, but thigh highs are sexy:)
Pickup Truck or
Even though I’m a
Texas girl I have to say Convertible.
out dancing or Movie in?
DH and I love to
dance but a good marathon night of movies or one of our shows and a pizza and
we are happy campers.
or CEO’s?
Well, I had my share
of cowboys and CEO’s in Texas and often they were one and the same! I’ll take doctors...DH is gong to med
I thought I’d share a
sexy snippet from IF I WERE YOU seen nowhere else....now this is very hot so if
you don’t want to post it I so understand...
“Hands over your head,” he orders,
pressing my palms to the glass above me, his body shadowing mine. “Stay like
My pulse jumps wildly and adrenaline
surges. I’ve been ordered around during sex, but in a clinical, bend over and
give me what I want kind of way I tried to convince myself was hot. It wasn’t.
I hated every second, every instance, and I’d endured it. This is different
though, erotic in a way I’ve never experienced, enticingly full of promise. My
body is sensitized, pulsing with arousal. I am hot where Chris is touching me
and cold where he isn’t.
And here are a few story quotes:
Sara: We are no longer ourselves, no
longer the damaged, thinking creatures who can hold back and control what we
say and do.
Sara: He is always testing me and I am
not sure what the scorecard is or even what I’m trying to achieve.
Sara: He reaches for the jacket and takes
it, and I hope he will touch me, and fear that he will, at the same moment. I
am so out of control and confused.
Lisa Renee Jones is giving away a large rose scented Yankee Candle that smells so good and a copy of any of her ebooks or a print copy of her new Blaze FOLLOW MY LEAD -- readers choice.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Lisa Renee Jones is giving away a large rose scented Yankee Candle that smells so good and a copy of any of her ebooks or a print copy of her new Blaze FOLLOW MY LEAD -- readers choice.
This book looks SOOOOO good. I read an excerpt on another blog a while back and I had forgotten about it. I would love to read this book. Thanks for reminding me!
kesummer69 at gmail dot com
If I Were You sounds like a very interesting book - can't wait to read it.
Thanks for the giveaway
junegirl63 at gmail dot com
I enjoyed the excerpt and interview.
Loved the whole interview and the excerpt. Thanks for this opportunity.
Carol L
Lucky4750 ()at) aol (dot) com
Great interview,thanks for sharing :)
This book looks so good. Nice excerpt!
bournmelissa at hotmail dot com
Great interview! Nice selection of questions and thank you for all of the interesting details Lisa!
Whoo congrats on book, loe blazes
Great interview and fantastic book.
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