Wicked Winter Saturdays is our weekly post created by:
The Autumn Review
The Bookish Babe
Hackaroos Reviews
Insightful Minds Reviews
Paranormal and Urban Fantasy Reviews
Globug and Hootie Need a Book
Baby, it's cold outside! Time to snuggle up with a mug of hot chocolate (or a glass of wine!) and fall into a steamy, sexy book.The Autumn Review
The Bookish Babe
Hackaroos Reviews
Insightful Minds Reviews
Paranormal and Urban Fantasy Reviews
Globug and Hootie Need a Book
I don’t even know where to begin when writing this review. First off, I guess I should just go ahead and start by throwing it out there and admitting that I love books revolving around incest. …And no, I’m not harboring a secret crush nor am I having an affair with either my brother or my dad… Although, if Mr. Nolan was related to me like that I can’t promise that I wouldn’t be sexually involved with him. ...On a more serious note though, the reason I'm saying this is because if you consider the taboo subject of incest along the lines of "gross" then you should probably just stay as far away from this book as you can.
With that being said, anyone who knows me knows that I avoid books revolved around sex, sex, and more sex. Those type of novels usually bore me to death; I’ve just never been a fan of books where the story-line fades in the background and becomes a filler to sex… BUT …I’m proud to say that this book worked for me in so many ways. After having an epiphany moment one night and realizing that the smutty side of me was needing something dirty to read, I just figured what better book to start with than one by an author who can be considered a God of all smuttiness.
I’ll be honest here- Since I don’t read too many erotica novels, this one was hard for me to rate. Sex is definitely the main focus in this book- And while it definitely worked and I would have given this book a perfect rating based on the steam factor alone, not having much character development or going into much depth when it comes to the story-line is the only reason this book didn’t get a solid five-stars from me or make it to my “favorites” shelf. With that being said though, that shock of an ending…
…There are no words. The major bombshell that was dropped came as a complete and utter shock to me. It was completely unexpected and I won’t lie… I absolutely loved it. A lot of books these days are just so predictable, so the fact that Selena Kit completely took me off guard with that twist seriously takes true talent.
I need to go ahead and warn all of you guys that this book has a lot… And I mean A LOT of steamy scenes. As a matter of fact, this novel is pretty much full of nothing but sex with every turn of the page- For me though, it was just what I was looking for at the time which is why I think this book ended up being such a huge hit for me. There was quite a bit of girl-on-girl action, among other things but it was all totally and completely hot in a very disturbing something must be wrong with me kind of way.
While this novel had some of the best and most descriptive sex scenes I’ve ever had the pleasure of reading about, (no pun intended) I think it’s only fair for me to go into detail about the only thing I found lacking: Depth and character development. The relationship between the hero and heroine definitely seems like it was based entirely on sexual chemistry only. They both seemed to jump from that, to true love without any explanation... So while the steam factor was absolutely flawless… The story-line and depth definitely took a back-seat role.
This was my first book by Selena Kitt and it most definitely won’t be my last- She is by far worth all of the praise she’s received if this book is anything to go by. With that being said… I need a sequel! The abrupt ending after being exposed to that huge bombshell had me feeling incredibly sad to turn to the last page. I’ll end this review on one final note: Be cautious before going into this book. If you’re looking for a novel that strictly gets you hot and heated, then by all means this is most definitely the book for you! …But if you’re looking for a story with a detailed plot and characters, then this book will more than likely just be a disappointment. …If you’re feeling the need to take a ride on the wild naughty side then I’d highly advise you to dive head-first into this book!
This was also my first book by Selena Kitt and I LOOOOOVED it! I've read it like 5 times. I should probably read it again and actually review it!
I should also up my rating since I've read it so many times. It's more like a 4.5 Star book to me, and the only reason I knocked it down was because Leah seemed WAY too innocent to be 18.
I read this a long time ago and after I finished reading it I thought to myself...WTF,did I just read!!! I would love a sequel too. Great review!
Taryn, I think you made me get this one. I'll have to read it sometime. Nice review Alyssa.
Yikes. Not sure I'm ready for incest but nice review!
Angie- This will definitely be a re-read for me too! I ended up REALLY liking it and it definitely won't be my last Selena Kitt book, that's for sure! :)))
April- You're so right about that, HA! Train wrecks are definitely fun! :))) I can understand why you feel like it's hard to take erotica seriously- I have a hard time enjoying erotica actually, but for different reasons! However, this book was super steamy and worth the read!
Amanda- Thank you! LOL :))) I thought the same thing when I finished the book too!
The Autumn Review- Aww, thank you so much! You should definitely give this one a try- It's really good! :)))
Hootie- Thank you! HA :))) Incest isn't for everyone, that's for sure- But if you're ever in the mood for a change this book is the way to go!
You definitely have me intrigued! I've read a couple of Kitt 's short stories and the were so hot. I just may check this one out. Great review!
I read this awhile ago and I just didn't know how to review it... I totally agree with your review, Alyssa! No way could I have put it better and now that I am thinking about it my reason for not rating it higher was the lack of character development... I knew there was something missing, but was so distracted by what I had just read that I couldn't figure it out... now it makes sense:)
Andrea- Thank you! If you loved her short stories then you should definitely check out this book! It was HOT! :))
*yadkny*- Thank you so much! I'm so happy that you agree! :)) The character development was definitely missing for me but so many other aspects of the book almost made up for it!
I'm still on the fence about the whole incest thing but omg the rest of the book sounds freakin' HOT!!
The incest theme isn't for everyone Silverlight but if you're ever in the mood to try something different, then this is a good book to start with! :))) Oh, and it was definitely hot!
Omg, blogger is so dumb.. I came back to see if I had read this review, because it looked familiar on goodreads when I came across it, and when clicked on my comment it deleted it. ugh. I hate blogger, I'd switch if i wasn't so lazy.
I said how I can't take erotica's seriously. There, my comment is back, sorta. I feel like I own you two now since it took away one.
Anyway I had said that I like incest books too. but that was before I read this one. lol. Though I read the newer edition. So I didn't realize this review I had read a while back was for the same book. There are so many versions, mass confusion.
I don't completely retract my statement though, I do still like books dealing in incest, if there is a legit reason for it coming about. Aside from just recreational fun, ya know. Now I've left you a book, but this story has my brain and my gag reflexes all in a tizzy.
now for some ice cream, have a nice night! lol
April- I just noticed last night that there were different versions of this book! I read the version where the hero/heroine are actual blood-relation! I have no idea why I love incest books so much- I know, I know... I'm weird, lol. I can understand you feeling like you like books dealing with incest if there is a legit reason for it coming about- Totally understandable! I think this book worked for me though because I'm a huge Selena Kitt fan and I was on an erotica kick, HA! :-)
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