Jerk. Asshole. Douchenozzle. Admit it- you hate to love the jerks. That alpha male character who is so arrogant and rude but sexy as hell. That foul mouthed douche bag of a man who rocks your traitorous heart. We've all read them and we've all liked them to some extent. In real life you wouldn't touch the man with a ten foot pole. But in the fictional world? Nothing can stand in the way! Everyone would be lying to themselves if they didn't admit that the meaner the man, the further we run... Towards them! *sigh*
That's what this weekly meme is about- those jerky delicious men! Each Friday this meme will go up, and you can share your jerk anyway you want: review, interview, lines and quotes, giveaway of a book. However you want! All you have to do is sign up and follow the linky. Any time you comment on someones post, leave your link so that person can comment back.
Holy sweet baby Jesus. That ending...I could hardly catch my breath.

Goddamn you, Javier! Why did I have to fall for you only to have my chest cracked open by you, YOU SON OF A BITCH BASTARD!

I still love you. Hard.
On Every Street is the prequel to Sins & Needles. I did not read Sins & Needles first like most have, but you can bet your ass I'm reading it after I'm finished with this review! The way the story flowed until the end was one hell of a read!
I personally think reading On Every Street first puts you in this suspenseful and intense state of mind. You have no idea what is to come of these characters, only that you're learning who they are and why they came to be what they are now. I'm actually glad I didn't read Sins first!
On Every Street is the emotionally gripping beginning of a woman with a vengeance. Ellie's out to get those who took her life from her when she was younger, but in order to do so, she has to become who the one thing she never wanted to be- a con artist, just like her parents.
In order for her plan to succeeded, she needs to seduce a colleague of the person she wants revenge against. For Ellie White, the training, the scheming, that's easy...until heartfelt emotions get in the way. Ellie's heart and head want two different things, but once she's sucked in by Javier's charismatic charm, it's not easy to come up for air.
My Javier...minus the beard...I couldn't find a good picture without the beard...

Javier is my new favorite jerk! I hate him, but I love him. He tore me up at the end of this story big time. I felt sick to my stomach and wanting to cry for Ellie. I can honestly say that my heart hurt, as if I was having open heart surgery and my chest was being cracked open. I wanted to die.
I have no idea what to expect next, but I can't wait for the ride I know it's going to take me on!
Guys!! I. AM. IN. LOVE.
I can't stop thinking about this book or the next book in this series, SINS & NEEDLES. I want everyone I know to read these books!! Everyone knows that I am insanely obsessed with The Black Dagger Brotherhood series (who isn't?). Well, I amnow obsessed with this series! I would rate it as high as BDB. That's saying A LOT.
I am going to gift 10 kindle copies of ON EVERY STREET. Please leave a comment (with your email address so I can contact the winners) telling me if you've read Karina's other series, The Experiment in Terror. I have not read it but I want to now!! If you've read it, leave me your favorite part of the books. I love quotes and passages, it makes me read a series faster. :)
Thanks and good luck!!
I haven't read Karina's other series, but I did read Sins & Needles and loved it. I'm really anxious to read On Every Street.
I haven't read this, but it's on the wishlist now!
I have not read her other series yet either, but I did just recently pick up Sins & Needles myself :)
lilypondreads at gmail dot com
I haven't read this author but I will be checking her out.
mce1011 AT aol DOT com
I have read all of the Experiment In Terror books. I'm anxiously awaiting the next one. Dex is the man!!!
Oh, I bought Sins & Needles but haven't read it, and didn't get the prequel? Hear great things and need to move it higher up my list. Although, I am also planning on reading the 2nd BDB book this month, too (for the first time)
I've not yet read anything by Karina Halle, but I do have Sins & Needles sitting on my kindle. Looks like I'll be bumping it up on the reaading list.
Thanks so much for the opportunity to get On Every Street.
I have not read this series....but I would like
I have not read them yet! I am new to the blogs, but so excited and LOVE to read!! Thanks for the giveaway!
Forgot email...
I have not read any of her books but S&N and the first couple in The EIT are all on my Kindle TBR. I am very excited about S&N and would love to win On Every Street. Thanks!
I loved Sins and Needles. I can't imagine loving Javier.
I have not read any of these books, but would love to! I've heard such great things.
I haven't read Karina's other series, The Experiment in Terror, or these two, but I'm adding them to the top of my tbr pile right now! Love to hate them and hate to love them!
I haven't read anything by this author but your review makes me crack up to an extent...I know what you mean about feeling like you are having open heart surgery during the book...don't have a Jerk of My Dreams to share this week but hey...there's hope I might have one next for the giveaway
junegirl63 at gmail dot com
oops, email :)
No, haven't read Sins and Needles... yet! I do have it though (bought it last week) thanks for a chance to win On Every Street.
If you say it is as good as the BDB then I am adding it to my reading pile. Not many series/books can be put at the same level as the BDB :)
Yikes I forgot my email readingdiva3(at)gmail(dot)com...
Thanks for the giveaway!
I haven't read it yet but thank u for giving me a chance to win a copy .....;) pick
I have not read any of her books yet, but I do have Sins and Needles bought already... I just need to get to it lol.
Email: lexiemendo(at)gmail(dot)com
Thanks for the giveaway!
Crystal ponder I haven't read it yet but I have hears nothing but awesome things about the book Ty for giving me a change to win ;)
Crystal ponder yikes I for got my email crystalponder44@
I haven't read any of Karina's other books but I've been reading lots and lots of great buzz about them. They're on my TBR and this and Sins & Needles just moved up higher! :)
Great review!
I haven't read Experiment in Terror! I want to also! I have read Sins & Needles...great book! THanks for the chance to win ths one!!
I haven't read Experiment in Terror or Sins & Needles but I have them both on my tbr list.
Thanks for the great giveaway!
~ karin
Haha! I love how insane you sound for Javier. I'm not a big fan of jerks, so....
But this was hilarious to read!
I have not read any of them but would love to do so. Lots of readers I know love them.
I really want to read this series!
Thank you for the giveaway!!
I have not yet read her Terror Series. The only book of hers I have read it Sins & Needles but I thought it was so well written, I am hooked - I have the first one in the terror series and hope to read it eventually, but I am a bit of a scaredy cat... so we'll see if I get up the courage to read a scary book. Hehe
I haven't read Karina's books yet but I have heard many good things about Experiment in Terror. The covers of Sins & Needles are amazing!
Thank you for the giveaway,
artgiote at gmail dot com
have not read it yet but would love to!
I haven't read anything by this author, but i will be adding to my TBR shelf at Goodreads
I haven't read Sins yet, but I will very soon.
This is Kristen Benevides... I've read Sins and Needles and loved it. Thanks for this chance to win!
Thanks for the awesome giveaway! I'm dying to read this author and series!
I have not read this yet, but I have added it to my list!!
Whoa. whoa. As good as BDB?! Now I gotta look for this series and author that are both new to me! WOW!
books4me67 at ymail dot com
I am a HUGE Dex fan! My favorite books in the EIT series are Lying Season and Into the Hollow. Here's one of my favorite quotes...“I love you Perry,” he whispered, mouth moving in my hair. “I love you so fucking much. And I’m losing myself. I’m losing myself to you and I don’t care anymore because there’s never been a better feeling in the whole fucking world. I love you. So much. Too much. Always.” -Into the Hollow
I loved Sins & Needles!! Oh man I really loved Camden, but I anxious to learn more about Javier!!
I have not read her Experiment in Terror series yet although I have the first one and really need to! I know a lot of people say it is wonderful.
Thanks for the great giveaway,
I haven't read anything by her yet. I have Sins and Needles on my Kindle buy haven't read it yet. I didn't know that there was a prequel to it. I also am adding the Experiment in Terror series to by Wish List right away. I just started the BDB series. (Apparently I have been living under a rock forever and day now because I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who has not read that series). Thanks for the chance to win On Every Street. sbereza22(at)gmail(dot)com
Hahaha! Love your review! I have not ready anything by this author, but I look forward to it in the future! Thanks for posting.
I want to hate Javier, but I can't. I want to bone him, then throw him away. I still love Camden.
Hugh BDB fan, impatiently waiting for L@L! I've just begun the Exper. in Terror series and enjoying it so far. Hearing great things about this prequel.
Janet W.
I haven't read any of her books, but I am always looking for good books to read. :) Thanks for the giveaway!
my email is:
I haven't read any of her books but after reading your post I want to. Thanks for the giveaway.
I haven't read it yet, but it's on my TBR! Author to watch for sure =D
Thanks for enlightening me!!
I have not read The Experiment in Terror or any of her work yet, but would love to!!
I haven't read this series, but I've been wanting to. It sounds great! :)
skizzles_22_hju at yahoo dot com
i have not read Karina's other series, but I figure this would be a great way to get into her new stuff!
blt AT yahoo DOT com
I haven't read Karina's books yet but they are on my TBR list !!! :)
Thank you for the chance to win one!
Ive read Sins and Needles
Thanks for the giveaway:) I haven't read them yet but looks like they will be put on my list!
I have not read them but I have heard amazing things about Karina's books!
I have not read anything written by Karina, but Sins & Needles is on my TBR list! Looking forward to reading these!
I have not read her other series but I want to. I have heard everyone raving about this series so I going to have to start it. I love BDB and since you think it is as good I am moving it up my TBR pile. Thanks for the awesome giveaway. emilyb0924 at gmail dot com.
I have not read them but they are on my TBR :)
I haven't read the Experiment In Terror books yet, but will put them on the TBR list. After Sins and Needles I am willing to go wherever Karina Halle takes me!
OOoo I would love to win this. I have Sins & Needles already on my Nook, so this would be a great win so I could read it first.
bessbla AT gmail DOT com
Sins & Needles is on my wish list.
would love to read it!!
I love finding out about new authors! So I haven't read these yet but they are on my TBR list!! Wish more books were available on iBooks!
Haven't read either series yet, but winning a copy of on every street would be a great start!
Would love to read it. Thanks!
No I haven't I will have to add them to my tbr list.
I haven't read her stuff...yet! I did just get Sins and Needles and will be starting it once midterms are over! It is legit first on my list!
Haven't read the series.
Dholcomb1 @ aol . Com
I haven't read this author
Like this website
haven't read this series yet
like the BDB series
bn100candg at hotmail dot com
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