Ever wonder what goes into writing a story? The plotting and research that an author does? Where the inspiration came from for a particular character? There are many hidden secrets
or information that we wouldn't know about the book or writing process. A
lot more goes into the writing than we think! Here are some interesting facts about TRUTH AND HUMILITY.
* A whopping twenty-three thousand words were cut from the
original T&H to make it a manageable 98K.
* The character, Mac, was modeled from a guy I see in church
every Sunday. I don’t know him, but he’s so big he stands out in the crowd. I’m
waiting for the day I pass by this stranger and say, “Hi, Mac.”
* I wrote the entire novel without anyone except my
librarian knowing.
* The character, Sue, (Mac’s sister) was modeled from a
woman I frequently see in YouTube videos. A talented singer and organist!
* The story got some of its flavor from the original Starz
production “Spartacus.” I’m a huge fan, especially of the late Andy Whitfield.
The anger and passion are palpable, and put me in the right place when writing some
of the scenes between Austin and Derek. And I do make several gladiator
references in the book.
* My daughter, Callie, was on the original cover of TRUTH
AND HUMILITY. She is also the reader in the book trailer.
* Danny’s flowered work gloves, boots and ball cap were
modeled after my own. Sorry to say, though, there are no pink tools in our

Twitter: @JADennam

Twitter: @JADennam
Here is your chance to win a copy of J.A. Dennam's book TRUTH AND HUMILITY. All you have to do is leave a comment with your email and a winner will be chosen. You can also add the book to your Goodreads list if you want. :) Thanks and good luck!!
I love books that get me so involved that I laugh out loud or bawl like a baby. This is going on my To Buy list!
Thanks for the insight on how you create a story. I love hearing/reading about this process. Your new book sounds great and I am looking forward to reading it.
Wow, a lot of thought and time went into this book! Can't wait to read it!
books4me67 at ymail dot com
Thanks for the giveaway!
mickalamurphy AT yahoo DOT com
Thanks for all of the little known facts about Truth and Humility - it's like getting little hidden gems of info about both the process and the artist behind the work. Thanks for the giveaway too
junegirl63 at gmail dot com
Books that bring out raw emotion in me are just the books I love. Here's hoping I win!!
When will the sequel be out? Can't wait to read it!!!
Wow!! Such thought process!
Sounds fantastic! Thanks for sharing!
Great post! Thanks for the giveaway!
Thanks for the giveaway!!
T&H sounds really good! Thanks for the giveaway! Would love to have a copy of it and to read it. :)
Yet Peng
cypsays_hi @ hotmail.com
Got this one on my wishlist... Love the cover too! Thanks for shaing some the lesser known facts behind the story.
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