I took to Twitter recently due to a good blogger friend who was giving me some advice one day. I have to say, that I love Twitter now! It's way better than facebook! Facebook is loaded with constant drama, but not Twitter. I've met the coolest bloggers, readers and authors on Twitter! I should probably thank my blogger friend for making me go on Twitter since I met some freaking awesome people! Thank you to The Autumn Review!! <3
Have you heard of author Elizabeth Lee? If not, please check her out!! I beg you! She tweeted me one day, and her and I have been dating ever since. Okay, not really! LOL But we became fast friends on Twitter and I love her!!! You know what I mean. :) She not only writes some emotionally angst filled YUMMY books, but she has such a great sense of humor. She's very welcoming and easy to talk to. I know as a reader, I get all giddy and shy when it comes to speaking with authors. You know... they're our ROCKSTARS! Even as a blogger, I'm all shy, I just can't help it. But Elizabeth is an incredibly down to earth nice person to talk to. She's very humble and sweet, and not all authors are easy to talk to- TRUST ME.
So that's what this blog post is about...how much I adore Elizabeth and the wonderful friends I've met on Twitter! It's all book related too! I've decided to show you Tweets for you to understand. :)
Elizabeth helped get me hooked on Country music, which I never expected to happen- like ever! Now every time I hear a new song I love, I have tweet her. She's probably sick of me now, but tooo damn bad! The songs are like mini stories in each one! It's her fault for introducing me to singers like Brantley Gilbert. I'm obsessed with him. And Lee Brice. And Jake Owen. And LOTS more. You've got to hear those voices...holy hot damn! I can't believe I held out so long!
'Somewhere Without You' by Kenny Chesney played on the radio and it hit me HARD. So I tweeted Elizabeth and told her she had to write a book for me that's similar to the song. Yeah, I told an author to write a book for me. LOL! She'd be perfect to do it, since she lives in the sticks and all and understands country lingo...
Elizabeth knows I love the guys with the raspy, deep voices. Tyler Farr's 'Redneck Crazy' is a song that she wanted me to listen to....
I have this weird teeny bopper crush on Justin Bieber. Hey!! His music is catchy! Unfortunately, no one feels the same way as I do. JB came up in topic one day, though, I can't remember how....
But seriously, who's better looking? If you HAD to pick one?

I can't deal...
Polly Pocket? The other day Amanda told me Kenny Chesney looks like a turtle in so many words. But see what I mean! Just rereading those twit pics and I'm laughing!!
As I write this, I'm listening to Brantly Gilbert (DUH) and drinking Raspberry Rum with Redbull...
As you can see, Twitter is the place to be! Get on there and come tweet us!
- An ecopy of both SHATTERED & GIVE ME SOMETHING by Elizabeth Lee
- An mp3 of You Don't Know Her Like I Do & More Than Miles by Brantley Gilbert (Brantley has the sexiest voice I have EVER heard)
- An mp3 of Reckneck Crazy by Tyler Farr
All you have to do is tell me who you think is better looking: JT, JT or KB. And don't forget to leave your email address so a winner can be chosen. Thanks and good luck!
I think its JT :)
It's JT by a long shot. Even though KB is still working that strut that make woman flock to him.
I feel the love Taryn! I love you and I'm so glad you've come over to the light of Twitter! <3
JT for sure!!
Sharika129@yahoo.com ;)
JT def has swagger and the older he gets the better he gets. Smilee3939@gmail.com
definitely JT! Thanks for the giveaway!
Ha! KB can have his moments, but overall, it's definitely JT!
Obviously it's JT! :-) I love this, Taryn! <3
JT is so hot. but Brantley and Jake Owen beat all of them. I ama huge country fan, the going to concerts and watching videos. One you should try is Florida Georgia Line. Those guys are not too.
Thanks for the giveaway. Would love to win.
christinebails at yahoo dot com
Based off of the pics posted, I definitely say JB. JT has some crazy hair in that photo and KB is not looking very hot. All fine choices, though! stephncaitlyn@yahoo.com
I feel like a major cougar but I'll have to say JB is a cutey! lol
Well, if we are going off of the pics you have here, I would say Biebs, but since that is a terrible pic of JT and he has improved 100x since then, my choice is Justin Timberlake. :)
JT!!!!! and has so much talent!
Hands down JT!!
That's a horrible pic of Justin Timberlake, but he's my choice. He's sexy, funny, and a great singer! JT All the way http://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view;_ylt=A0PDoTEtjFBRPEcAJ9WJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTBlMTQ4cGxyBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1n?back=http%3A%2F%2Fimages.search.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%2Fimages%3Fp%3Djustin%2Btimberlake%26ei%3DUTF-8%26fr%3Dyfp-t-621%26tab%3Dorganic%26ri%3D15&w=1024&h=768&imgurl=images.fanpop.com%2Fimages%2Fimage_uploads%2FJustin-justin-timberlake-774935_1024_768.jpg&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.fanpop.com%2Fspots%2Fjustin-timberlake%2Fimages%2F774935%2Ftitle%2Fjustin-wallpaper&size=56+KB&name=%3Cb%3EJustin+Timberlake+Justin%3C%2Fb%3E&p=justin+timberlake&oid=1f99206586a8fb3bc16eecd710f7f5ca&fr2=&fr=yfp-t-621&tt=%253Cb%253EJustin%2BTimberlake%2BJustin%253C%252Fb%253E&b=0&ni=21&no=15&ts=&tab=organic&sigr=12ijtp2vj&sigb=138ljfsjr&sigi=12jema03i&.crumb=IW3Va2jYB7h&fr=yfp-t-621
JT most definitely. Problem is he got better looking with age as does so many guys. The Beibs is cute but he's not yet a man so it's hard to choose him over JT. Plus JT brought Sexy Back!!
If I have to choose one it would be JT. Beiber is just too much a child.
I'm gonna be looking Elizabeth up now - Thanks Taryn.
I was hoping that by picking a horrible photo of JT that you wouldn't pick him!! LOL I guess that didn't work.
Has to be JT! Loved that man since I was a child!
Gotta go with JT even though that pic is horrible!!
Based on the pics, JB but in real life, JT :) rosehunter27@gmail.com
thanks for the giveaway!
I have to say, I love me some JT! Yumm!!!!! daniellej1405@yahoo.com
Definitely JT. He seems to be getting better looking with age.
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