Jerk. Asshole. Douchenozzle. Admit it- you hate to love the jerks. That alpha male character who is so arrogant and rude but sexy as hell. That foul mouthed douche bag of a man who rocks your traitorous heart. We've all read them and we've all liked them to some extent. In real life you wouldn't touch the man with a ten foot pole. But in the fictional world? Nothing can stand in the way! Everyone would be lying to themselves if they didn't admit that the meaner the man, the further we run... Towards them! *sigh*
That's what this weekly meme is about- those jerky delicious men! Each Friday this meme will go up, and you can share your jerk anyway you want: review, interview, lines and quotes, giveaway of a book. However you want! All you have to do is sign up HERE and follow the linky. Any time you comment on someones post, leave your link so that person can comment back.
With that
being said, I only gave Walking Disaster 3.5 stars. Again why? I knew
that Walking Disaster was just from the point of view of Travis. It's nearly the same book with
only the addition of more interaction with the Maddox family and
the epilogue.
I wished the author would have added something more to the story to have grabbed my attention.
For Travis fans, this book is definitely for you. I'm a fan, just not an obsessed one. We get his emotions- which were heartbreaking and messed up. The love he has for Abby makes you want him for yourself. Thru his point of view, Abby came across as a biatch. We see how her actions makes Travis the way he was, which again, was messed up.
I AM an obsessed Travis fan. Great choice!
Haven't had a chance to read this
I love Travis, but have to agree with you on your review. While I loved seeing his emotions and understanding his actions better, I wished she would have definitely added more in between the book and epilogue. :)
Thanks for sharing, Amanda.
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