Hi Amanda, thanks so much for having me over and for taking the
time to read and review me!
About me? Hmm. How can I make myself sound more interesting
than I am? :)
Okay, so, I’m wife to the love of my life and have been so
for seventeen years, and we have the two most amazing children, a daughter and
a son who are my everything! I struggle a bit with my health so I am also very
disciplined in what I eat and try to stay healthy and stress-free. I love
writing, reading, cooking, am definitely addicted to chocolate and to music.
Who is Remington "Riptide" Tate?
Remington is a fallen boxer who now fights in the
Underground. He is a fighter physically, and also, mentally and emotionally. He
is my HERO. I admire the hell out of this man. When I first “met” him at the
start of REAL, I swear I never imagined how deeply he would make Brooke and I
fall in love with him. But he has such a compelling force, it was just
Visually, I love the description of Remy. Do you have an
actor/model in mind when you wrote about him?
Curiously, I didn’t! He came to me unique in all his
Remington Tate sexiness, and now I have had tons of trouble to try to find a
picture of “REMY” to show all the fans. He is so unique, I can’t find the
perfect REMY anywhere!
Where did the idea for the book come from?
I had always, always, wanted to write Remington. He’s been
in my head for a long time, like a mash up of every sexy hero I have ever read,
only even more loveable because he’s also special. Alpha, strong, driven, sexy
as hell, a fighter in both body and mind, you can’t help but love Remington to
If you were to pick a few lines from the book that are your
favorite, which ones would they be?
Oh I have a lot. Two, at least, are:
He just fucked my name right in front of me. – Brooke
When I take you, you’ll be mine. – Remington
What was your favorite chapter (or part) to write and why?
Were there any difficult parts?
The first chapter was fantastic to write because that’s when
both Brooke and Remington came alive for me, and the rest of the book just
flew. I’ve never been so fevered. I felt like the Universe was giving me this
precious gift of a story to share with the world, and I got to be the lucky
person who sat down to tell it.
What does Remy see in Brooke?
This is something we will get to experience on a more
personal level when we are in Remy’s head instead of Brooke’s (in his POV book
which is currently in the works and scheduled for summer). But I love the
connection they share, the kind many of us don’t find in a lifetime. Brooke was
a little more shocked than Remy when they first meet, but Remington instantly
knew. He saw her and he felt the magnetic pull that he’d never felt before and
that made him wildly chase after her. Remington is a man that doesn’t listen to
anything but his gut. And he knew, without a doubt, she was his.
Are you working on anything other books at the moment? What
can we expect from you in the future?
I am working on Remington’s POV book, REMY, and also on
Brooke and Remington’s sequel, MINE.
Is any of REAL based on real life events?
No. It is purely fiction, even though Remington and Brooke
are very alive to me.
While reading the book, I saw that you mentioned Whataburger
and I thought to myself, is she a fellow Texan? Isn't their ketchup and fries
the best?!
Amanda! Yes! Yes absolutely! And you see, this was a little
mistake of mine that will not end up making it to publishing. Apparently they
don’t have a Whataburger in Chicago. It’s so crazy. My husband thinks there
should be Whataburgers everywhere, but there you have it. So now, they’re going
to have to go to Popeye’s and then McDonald’s, hah. :)

Amanda, thank YOU for taking the time to read and review
REAL. I hope you had a great time with it! And I second the cliffhangers
starting to drive me crazy as well. REAL will have a sequel, as there are still
tons of little things I wanted to explore and address with Brooke and Remy, but
it can also act as a standalone, so I’m just happy about that.
Here is an exclusive sneak peek of Remy and what his kisses are like. :)
He comes into the room carried on the shoulders of four guys. My
heart stutters. He’s got this big smile on his face, cocky Remy to the tenth
power, high on his wins, and the women scream, high on him. “Remy! Remyyyy!”
“That’s right, who’s the man?” he shouts, and pounds his fists
on his chest. I laugh, completely sucked in, mesmerized and enchanted by him.
The aura he emanates makes him blaze like a sun tonight. If right now he says
he can fly, I think we’d all believe him. Everyone present seems magnetized by
him, helplessly gravitating to where he is. He spots me, and his smile softens
and his eyes alight with a strange, hungry, and somehow glowing look.
He hops down to his feet and beckons me forward, and the crowd
parts to let me pass. He smiles at me, and his dancing blue eyes hold mine as
he slowly walks forward and meets me halfway. He lifts me in his powerful arms
and swings me around, and then he kisses me.
The instant he takes my lips, fireworks shoot off in my body.
All the pent-up desire of days and weeks adds up to this one
moment when everything that I am, and everything that I want, is narrowed down
to this. To me, pulling Remington
Tate’s dark head closer to mine as I open my mouth and let him give me anything
and everything he wants to.
His kiss spins my stomach into a wild swirl. He holds me tightly
by the hips and deftly moves his lips as he rubs his tongue to mine. A rumble
vibrates deep in his core as he gathers me closer and forces me to feel his
erection, all while he angles his head and fucks my mouth like there’s no
People whoot loudly
nearby, and when they tell him to “Go fuck that pussy!” Remy tears free. He
breathes harshly through his nose as he drags his mouth to my ear, where he
whispers, hot and gruff, “You’re mine tonight.”
A fevered moan escapes me. He cups my face in those big hands
that make me feel fragile and tiny, and he hungrily recaptures my mouth. He
takes it slowly this time, as if I’m precious and valuable. “Tonight you’re
He looks into my face again, his eyes seething with desire. I
think I just nodded in agreement, but I’m too shaky to know for sure. A
sweltering fever runs unleashed through me. My legs won’t stop trembling as
every one of my cells scream in lust because I want him now. I want him now.
“Remy, I want you, take me!”
a woman shouts, but he ignores her, ignores everything. But me.
His eyes dark and intent, he scrapes the sides of my face with
the pads of his big, callused thumbs, then spreads his fingers wide over my
scalp as he kisses me again, our mouths hot and wet as they blend, thirsty and
anxious. I grip the soft gray of the t-shirt he wears in my fists, dying with
sensations. I don’t even care who’s watching, am oblivious to the crude things
they’re whistling. I hadn’t realized how much I want this, need this, until these shivers ripple through me and I’m in a flux
under his insistent sexy mouth, the look in his eyes that makes me feel like
I’m the only woman alive to him.
her to your room, Tate!” someone yells. But he seems engrossed
only in me, and me in him.
Holding me protectively in his strong arms, he brushes my hair
back as his lips buzz along the bare curve between my neck and collar, his
fingers sliding up my neck as he once again, like a chant, nuzzles my ear and
tells me, “Mine. Tonight.”
Katy is giving away one signed paperback of REAL. To be entered in the giveaway, please leave a comment for Katy, add REAL to your Goodreads to-read list, and leave your email address so a winner can be chosen. Thanks and good luck!!
This book looks good! I'm not much of a first person book fan but the excerpt caught my attention. Added it to my Goodreads to read shelf. Thanks for the giveaway!
Whataburger! My husband is from Texas and every time we visit Corpus Christi, we have to visit once or twice. He says their ketchup is the best ever!'
I can't wait to read Real. The quotes Katy shared made me want to even more. Thanks for sharing!
Looks like a real hot read! Can't wait to read it!
Looks like areal hot read! Can't wait to read it! I certainly added it to my Goodreads To Read Shelf!
Thanks for sharing!
I can not wait to read Real, it looks really hot!!
I'm from Texas and I had no idea Whataburger was just a Texas thing! I loved eating there growing up. And Mel Tillis' commercials...are you too young to remember those?? ;)
Thanks for warm up - that excerpt is HOT! And I needed that on this snowy morning in Colorado. :)
Wow, loved the excerpt. I also was hooked with the line from the story previous to this one. What a great line (His lips curl and he meets my gaze. "Brooke Dumas." He just fucked my name right in front of me.) This is a new author for me. I love MMA and UFC and this is definitely a story that I can't wait to check out.
Great interview. Never been to Texas, but Whataburger is a great name for a burger place.
Thanks for the awesome giveaway. This book is definitely on my reading radar.
Also added to my goodreads.com page.
christinebails at yahoo dot com
oh gosh I cannot stop swooning really I cannot <3 I love the sound of Remy and since I grew up on watching boxing with my dad and then UFC, this one hits the spot for me. I love that he is a strong alpha male, and does sound sexy as hell <3 wonderful interview, really well done! Cannot wait for this book.
Already on my goodreads, amazon wishlist you name it :D
lilypondreads at gmail dot com
Sounds like a great book! Added to my to read list.
I'm really getting into first person books lately - a lot of really good ones seem to be written that way - thanks for the exclusive excerpt - the kiss was hot! Thanks too for the giveaway
junegirl63 at gmail dot com
Real sounds fantastic. Can't wait to read it to see more of Brooke and Remy. Thanks for those quotes, the great excerpt and the interview. I added the book to my to read list.
REAL!!!! eeekkkkk..... I can't wait to read this book. YES... even if it leaves me hanging off that cliff that I HATE and call "waiting for the next book."
Thanks for a opportunity.
and YES... Whataburger is the frigging Bomb-Diggity!!! The ketchup and fries are good and the BURGERS are delicious.... it melts in your mouth. :)
Love this interview and will definitely add it to my TBR list. And I really love getting into the guy's POV so will look forward to that one as well. A free copy would be awesome!
:o) Nevaeh
In my TBR.... Thanks for the giveaway!!!
oh wow... just wow! This is a must read most definately! Thanks for the post and chance to win!
That is one hell of an excerpt!
As my commenter name gives away I am from Texas and I have a teenage daughter who swears Whataburger ketchup is the only edible ketchup. And right now they have their spicy ketchup! YUM!!!
Forgot by Goodreads name and email.
Goodreads: Texas Book Lover
mmafsmith AT gmail DOT com
Love this, =) can´t wait for my chance to read!
My GR http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/5104197-linda
Thanks for the giveaway & Happy Tuesday!
fr_larsson at hotmail dot com
I can't wait to read this book!!! It sounds HOT!!
My goodreads name is Tammy Smith.
Thanks for the awesome giveaway! :-)
This book sounds fantastic! I've already read such glowing reviews that I had already added it to my goodreads shelf :) (user name: erin f) Thanks for sharing and congrats to Katy on the new release!
Added! sherirz@yahoo.com
Wow, the blurb makes me want to go out and get this book NOW.
Already added!
CONGRATS Katy on the release... wishing you lots and lots of sales!!!
Added: http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/567708099
I'm halfway through REAL and I can't stop!!! Love it! Remy is so HOT and he's definitely my new BBF ;) Would love to win a signed paperback badly! Thanks and congrats Katy! You've got a knockout hit! WTG! <3
Oh its on my GR list ;) Can't wait to meet Remy!!
Wow, I have to say I wouldn't mind one of Remy's kisses when they're explained like that... I'm still swooning. For an excerpt to draw you in and make you feel like you actually lived in that scene and for a moment became the heroine is amazing and not an easy thing to do, but Ms. Evans just did that to me. I think my breathing is a little labored and my heart beat is faster. Thanks for the amazing excerpt that has left me a bit breathless! sbereza22(at)gmail(dot)com
Forgot to say it is added to my Goodreads list and bumped up to the top. I want some more Remy!!
I don't think I've ever read where the main character was boxer, but this looks great!
I also added it on my Goodreads list
Added to my To Read list on Goodreads. Sounds amazing! Can't wait to read it!
I've had it on my wishlist and on my want to read shelf for awhile now. I really want it REAL bad.
Thank you for the chance.
Several of my friends have read this, and LOVE it. I can't wait to get my hands on this! :)
email: stephaniebrown04(at)gmail(dot)com
Gosh, this blurb... **fans self** Congratulations on the success of Real, Katy Evans! :D All the book blogs I follow are talking about it. Can't wait to read it myself!
Congrats again and more power to you!
Looking forward to your future works! :)
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