November Harris is lost. After a failed romance with musician Bo Cavanaugh, Ember is left struggling to regain her true self. The problem is, Bo won’t go away and Ember's stance is firm—she doesn't want him back.
Adrian Turner, Ember's ex-boyfriend-turned confidant, is patient with her heartbreak, but he can't hold back his own feelings forever.
As she sorts through her past, in an effort to plan a solid future, Ember will find that sometimes even the best laid plans bow to the soul's desire for reckless abandon.
Here are five facts about Reckless Abandon, the characters, and
the journey I went on to get to the finished product.
1. My
characters are totally in charge. I’ve argued with them. Yes, argued. I had a
fairly detailed outline for Reckless Abandon when I started - which isn’t
something I had for Ten Days of Perfect. Sometimes I’d be writing away heading
to a certain point in the outline that I’d worked out and . . . nothing. The
voices would stop, the visions would stop, and the characters would let me know
that it just wasn’t going to happen that way, no matter how much I tried to put
my foot down. Regan started out as a love interest for Ember, and I had Adrian
and Ember on a much different course, and the book originally covered a
two-year period. Some things in the original outline got to stay, but they made
me work to get there.
2. I
really really wish that I could sing
and play the guitar. I owned a guitar for a while in college, but never really
bothered to learn to play it. It’s a hardcore fantasy of mine, which is why I
love Ember so much. She’s cool.
3. I
had no idea the book was going to end the way it did. I knew who I wanted
together, who I wanted apart, who I wanted doing what . . . but the location
and the plans were a complete surprise to me. I knew that I always wanted to do
a third book with Ember as the lead but until I wrote the end of Reckless
Abandon, I had no idea how that would even make sense.
4. When
I grow up I want to be Raven Harris. She embodies every ounce of inner
peace that I think we should all strive
for. And she’s gorgeous. And her name is Raven, for God’s sake.
5. There are more books planned for the November Blue series than
I originally planned. Ten Days of Perfect was going to be a standalone (before
I ended it differently), then Reckless Abandon and Ten Days were just going to
be a 2-book series. Then it was going to
be three books. Now it will be at least 5 books (2 centered around other
characters) and 2 novellas. They will all move the entire story forward, so
reading in order will be important, but we’ll get to be inside other
character’s heads for a while.
Reckless Abandon (Book 2 in the November Blue Series) will be released in March
I started writing poetry long before writing fiction. I firmly believe Poetry is a solid foundation for all other forms of writing. It taught me that a single word can make or break the world.
I write fiction because my characters have a story and they want me to tell it.
I hope you enjoy the pieces of my soul that I share with you.
I started writing poetry long before writing fiction. I firmly believe Poetry is a solid foundation for all other forms of writing. It taught me that a single word can make or break the world.
I write fiction because my characters have a story and they want me to tell it.
I hope you enjoy the pieces of my soul that I share with you.
Twitter: ARandallAuthor
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