Denver is a barrel racer, a college student, and a slut if
you listen to what people say about her.
She deserves her reputation because it’s in her blood to be this
way. She doesn’t deny who she is. She isn’t worthy of love. Everything that has happened to her is her
fault right? The one person who doesn’t hold it against her is her best friend
Greer, he is also in love with Denver and wants to make their relationship
work. Is Denver willing to give them a
chance this time?
Greer is a calf roper and grew up with Denver. They have been best friends since they were
babies. He would do anything for her,
even if it means that he can’t have her the way he wants. He is willing to start fresh now that they
are away from home and at the same college together.
Ransom is the champion bull rider of their team. He is your typical man whore, but when he
meets Denver there is something that makes him want to change his ways. Ransom at first didn’t know of the rumors
that surrounds Denver but when he learns of them will he care or will he think
that she is the slut she claims to be.
Love. Hate. Friendship. Rumors. Lies. Betrayal.
The perception of yourself and what others see you as is a
powerful thing. It can make you feel
beautiful, smart, funny or sexy if it is a positive perception. It can make you feel ugly, stupid, or even
make you think that you are a slut and unworthy of love if it is a negative
perception. It can mold you and change
who you are if you believe it.
Denver really believes that she is a slut, she even makes
you want to believe it yourself.
According to her, being a slut or a whore is in her DNA especially if
you look at her mom. The only things
that she is proud of is her standing as a barrel racer, she is in the number 1
spot and she isn’t arrogant about it, she is just that damn good. She tries to stay strong and not let the
rumors and catty comments that surround her get to her, but once a secret is
revealed, one that is so painful she is no longer able to just keep it all
inside. Add to that a betrayal like no
other and Denver can no longer keep all that pain inside. I really felt for Denver, no one deserves
what she has gone through in her life.
Greer is Denver’s Golden Boy. He was been her best friend, the one person
she could count on through thick and thin.
He is hot, sexy, protective of Denver and wants her to finally be
his. They have had more than a
friendship for years and he was fine with that but now he wants more. You can tell how much he wants her and loves
her. He lets her use him for sex,
friendship anything she wants. Then he
does the unthinkable and makes me want to beat the shit out of him. I don’t know if he is redeemable at this
point, we will have to wait and see.
Ransom, he is the bad boy.
The man whore. The bull
rider. The one that is under Denver’s
skin and at first wants Denver too. Then
he is an asshole to her, judging her, treating her like shit, but yet he can’t
stop thinking about her. He doesn’t want
to want her, he will begin to think the rumors about Denver aren’t true but
then something will happen to make him believe again. Yet he doesn’t actually talk to Denver about
them, he just judges her like everyone else.
When he is there for Denver after the betrayal that breaks her, he won
me over. There is more to Ransom than
meets the eye. He can be an asshole, but
let’s face it what man isn’t an asshole at some point, but he isn’t an
asshole. I want Ransom to be the one for
Holy fucking shit, this book will piss you off something fierce at times. I wanted to sit Denver down and make her see that what she thought of herself isn’t true. I was calling Greer and Ransom as many variations of an asshole that I could think of and wanted to throw my kindle against the wall. Do the words mind fuck mean anything to you? Remember the whole perception thing? Well, everything isn’t what it seems. Then to make you even more pissed off, it ends in a cliff hanger! Yes you read that right so of course that started a whole new cursing rant to begin, but you what, I don’t even really mind that it is a cliffhanger. I just want more of Denver, Greer and Ransom. I. Want. Them. Right. Now. Damn. It. I was sucked in from the start and I don’t know if I can wait long for the next book to be released. I am a huge fan of Lynetta Halat, but damn it if I don’t want to yell at her and say why woman why would you leave us hanging like this? It is that feeling right there, the feeling that if you don’t get the next book right away, that makes this a must read because you are sucked in and want to see how this messed up love triangle will work out. Used is one that fans of Lynetta Halat will love and must read.
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