Amazon link-Long Hard Ride (Rough Riders)
3.5 stars because I am not a fan of m/m romance and had to skip over those. Other than that, I loved it!
Was this book suppose to be about Cash Big Crow and Gemma or Carter and Macie? I enjoyed Gemma and Cash's story, but not as much as Carter and Macie's.
Cash Big Crow has had his eye on Gemma for years now but never made a move. Gemma was mourning the loss of her husband that was her one and only true she thought. Cash was just about to give up on going after Gemma when Gemma appears at a rodeo saying she needs a foreman. Cash immediately says yes under one condition, he must be sleeping in her bed and he has complete control in the bedroom. He has waited too long for her and this is the last chance he's going to get to woo her. Surprisingly to Cash, Gemma agrees. The time has come for her to live her life and not mourn her late husband anymore, which is what he wouldn't want her doing anyways.
Not too much struggle with this story. Cash and Gemma work well together on the farm and have crazy wild monkey sex. The End.
Macie is Cash Big Crow' long lost daughter. It's not that he didn't know he had a daughter, he did, but no one on the rodeo circuit did. Plus, he was never around while she growing up. Macie comes to visit her father from Denver to try and rebuild a relationship with him. She meets the handsome Carter McKay while there. Carter McKay is an artist. He's had dreams of Macie for sometime now and is in shock when he sees the real thing at a rodeo. Macie becomes his muse and lover. He decides he wants to paint Macie if she consents to it, which she does as long as it's not nude paintings. Little did she know that's what he's been doing the whole time. Macie struggles with her relationship with Carter. She has always cared for herself and is not use to the feelings Carters has for her. She fights it every chance she can. Just when she is comfortable with her feelings and his, Carter shows her his paintings. Macie is in utter shock (who wouldn't be?) and demands he take them down. The pictures are not only nude paintings of her, but they are full on frontal paintings of her withering during sex, pictures of her legs spread open and of her having orgasms. He tells her they are a work of art and that he will be displaying them in an art gallery whether she likes it or not. Macie takes off back to Denver and Carter drinks himself to sleep every night until his brothers come in and help set him straight. Carters brothers see the paintings of Macie and they start hootin' and hollerin' and droolin'....and that's when he finally see's what he did was wrong. He realizes he took advantage of her and no man but him is allowed to see this side that she opened up.
I liked this story so much more than Gemma and Cash's. Not only was the romance smoking hot but watching the connection unfold between them was beautiful. Not to mention the wild sex they had in the mud in the rain! Holy Cow!
1 comment:
Sounds like an interesting book! I have this in my tbr to read.
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