SSgt Alex Cruz is a by the book Marine who believes that every Marine should and will follow the rules set forth without exception. Well that is until he meets Pfc. Cassie Bennet and all those rules and regulations are just thrown out the door. Alex is torn about his feeling for Cassie. He is an instructor and she is his student, and fraternization in the Marines is so frowned upon that Alex could lose everything he has worked towards plus time in the brig if anyone reports their relationship. He tries to stay away, oh he tries alright and is the biggest douche bag while he does but then he just can’t stand it anymore and needs Cassie. He finally gets what he wants only to screw up and lose her, maybe for good.
Cassie had no idea that the sexy as hell guy she danced with was going to be her instructor. The chemistry between them is explosive from the start. Cassie doesn’t take shit from anyone. Not
her bitch roommate, not the asshole who loves to make comments about
female Marines and sure as hell not from a certain sexy ass alpha Marine
who when he screws up, he screws up big time. When
Alex proves that what they have is worth all the risk and to give him
the chance to make things right, the reward is so much sweeter. She loves him, but will it be enough?
These two didn’t just have to deal with being caught. They had to deal with jealousy, hatred, betrayal, loss of friendships as well. This book has sex, sexy ass Marines, love, heart break, fights, and did I mention sexy ass Marines? Seriously though I really liked this book and can not wait for the next one to be released. If
you like to read about hot Marines finding out that sometimes rules
need to be broken and regulations can kiss your ass then this one is for
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Author Bio
Just a book reading, writing loving, mommy and USMC wife! :)
I love to write, even if it isn't what is conventional and makes
everyone feel giddy inside. I usually pull from dreams, or ideas that just
thrust themselves into my head. I have what some would describe as a dry sense
of humor, and I think its conveyed in my writing. I like to think I am a kick
ass chick, but I can also be sensitive. I'm learning to grow thick skin, and in
this field, it is definitely needed!
I won't put anything out that I am not absolutely proud of, but
like E.L. James said, "I can't own people's reactions to it." Thanks
for reading my work... I do appreciate it!
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