Why did Abby pop the question?
What secrets were shared before the ceremony?
Where did they spend their wedding night?
Who else knew about it . . . and didn’t tell?
Everything about Abby and Travis’s elopement was top-secret . . . until now. Fans of Beautiful Disaster and Walking Disaster will get all of their questions answered in this whirlwind tale of the wedding day (and night!)—and as with all good stories, this one will definitely have been worth the wait.
Indie Bound
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Jamie McGuire is the New York Times bestselling author of five other novels: Walking Disaster, Beautiful Disaster, Providence, Requiem, and Eden. She and her husband, Jeff, live with their children just outside Enid, Oklahoma, with three dogs, six horses, and a cat named Rooster. Please visit her at JamieMcGuire.com.
1 paperback copy of each Beautiful Disaster and Walking Disaster will be given away to one winner! All you have to do is share your favorite lines from either of these two books. Make sure to leave your email address with your comment! <3
Tweet this blog post with #BeautifulWedding by @JamieMcGuire
"You can't tell me what to do anymore, Travis! I don't belong to you!". "Well, I belong to you!". Beautiful Disaster. Caraolson24@yahoo.com
I haven't read them yet. :(
I love this quote:
“I knew the second I met you
that there was something about you I needed. Turns out it
wasn’t something about you at all. It was just you.”
― Jamie McGuire, Beautiful Disaster
I like the banter and fun they have together like:
“He scanned my face with careful hope in his eyes.
“You love me?”
“It’s the tattoos,” I shrugged.
Thanks for the chance to win!
“You know why I want you? I didn’t know I was lost until you found me. I didn’t know what alone was until the first night I spent without you." - Beautiful Disaster
“I was in love with her; couldn’t imagine my life without her in it; but at the same time, I wanted her to have better.”
Thanks for the giveaway!!
“I know we're fucked up, all right? I'm impulsive, and hot-tempered, and you get under my skin like no one else. You act like you hate me one minute, and then you need me the next. I never get anything right, and I don't deserve you...but I fucking love you, Abby. I love you more than I've loved anyone or anything, ever. When you're around, I don't need booze, or money, or the fighting, or the one-night stands...all I need is you. You're all I think about. You're all I dream about. You're all I want. - Travis”
"Well, I belong to you!" <3 <3
Email: ddoan_526 [at] yahoo [dot] com
“You know why I want you? I didn’t know I was lost until you found me. I didn’t know what alone was until the first night I spent without you - Beautiful Disaster "
thank you for the giveaway :)
"To douchebags!" He said gesturing to Brad.
"And to the girls that break your heart," he bowed his head to me.
"And to the horror of losing your bestfriend because you were stupid enough to fall in love with her."
-Travis; BD/WD :)
idk.shitlezx AT yahoo DOT com
Thanks for this giveaway!! :)
"'I've been drining, all right? Your skin was three inches from my face, and you're beautiful, and you smell fucking awesome when you sweat. I kissed you! I'm sorry! Get over yourself!'"
One of many :)
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