Tuesday, July 17, 2012

ARC Review: Sharing Hailey by Samantha Ann King

I liked this book, but it wasn’t one that I was dying to finish.  For some reason I didn't connect to it. The guys are smoking hot, the sex scenes even hotter but I think it was Hailey who got on my nerves and ruined it for me.  She was, in my opinion....just annoying.  One second she doesn’t want anyone to know about the relationship with Mark and Tony. She would get embarrassed when people look at the three while they are out at a bar. The next second they get back to the house and is like okay I am ready for us to all be together in every way. Then the next day she would rinse and repeat.  

I love books with ménage a trois in them, so I know that isn’t the issue.  This will most likely end up being one that everyone else will love, or if not loves then really like…which I hope is the case.  I am not ruling out reading more from books Samantha Ann King by any means, it just means this one didn't do it for me.


1 comment:

Maria D. said...

Good review - it's honest. Some books work well for some and not so well for others. I've had the same experience:)


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