Stories about men in uniform, and out of uniform, really get
to me. There’s just something about an alpha male in uniform. When they’re
wounded or broken and find their way back, just makes it better.
I enjoyed the story Because of You. It was a good story and
a fairly easy read. I say fairly easy because it deals with some very heavy
emotions and the dark side of soldiers returning from war. The PTSD and
depression that goes along with dealing with injuries and the loss of life
makes for a compelling story.
Shane and Jen are both scarred, albeit for different
reasons, and find a way through their stress and depression to fall in love
with each other. This is a touching and heart-warming story. Most of the
characters were well developed and added a great deal to the story. The lent an
air of reality to Shane and Jen’s story.
I enjoyed this story and I’m glad I read it, but I was hoping for a stronger romance. A majority of
the book dealt with the war and the recovery of Shane and his injured soldiers.
The romance seemed to be secondary to the story of the soldiers.

I really need to get this book. Thanks for the review.
Good review! I have this book on my kindle
I did enjoy this book but it does get dark with the PTSD and depression, so be ready for it!
I have this book, need to squeeze it in between reviews :)
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