For those of you who don't know, I am a HUGE Eden Bradley fan. I just love this woman. I love her books, the stories she tells, the realistic nature in them, her writing style, and...well...I just love everything about them. So when I was asked if I wanted to be part of Eden's Blitz tour, I just about fell over. No joke. I was like a little girl screaming on the inside, as if it was my first time at the Cinderella Castle at Disney World. I've read almost all of Eden's books to date. There are a few still left to read- and I will read them but with time. I took a break because I feared I wasn't going to have any books left to read and that would have made me terribly sad. I know, I know, I am a nut. But when you all find an author you love, don't you do the same thing?? I thought so.

Declan is walking along the beach when he finds this ethereal, stunningly beautiful woman left broken and battered on the sand. He knows nothing of her or where she came from only that she is laying unconscious and naked on the beach. Her body is covered in blood and tribal tattoos. Immediately, Declan calls an ambulance to rescue her. He instantly feels compelled to protect her so he follows her to the hospital.
Once Angel awakens in the hospital, she tells Declan she has no name and she has no recollection before the age of five. The only people she remembers are Asmodeus and The Grandmother. She is in a strange place and time- she knows nothing of where she's at. The hospital…the people…everything is abnormal to her. So Declan decides to help her out. He names her Angel. His Angel? He then takes her home where he can teach her what she needs to know in order to survive in the real world.
Just when you think you know what's going to happen, think again. There were some turn of events I didn't see coming which left me in suspense most of the time. This is a completely different book then what I thought it would be. I originally thought it was a paranormal romance, but it's not. This is a story about love, family and the reconciliation of the past to be content with our future.
Declan and Angel both have deep, very deep seeded issues to figure out- and they do, but with time. It's going to be a long and hard haul for both of them. Declan enlists the help of his father. This is difficult for him since he hasn't spoken to his father for many years. They both go to work on how and where Angel came from at the same time restoring their relationship. I was in shock when the story unfolded itself..I didn't see it any of it coming.
To be honest, I had no idea what Fallen Angel was about. I only knew that I had to read it since it's by a favorite author of mine. I felt like this book was a bit lighter compared to her darker erotic books I adore- still great though. I truly enjoyed this book. One thing I like about Eden's writing is that she leaves nothing left to question. Every detail is clear to me and I love that. I hate having to guess what an author pictured and I never have to with her books. I also love the fact that Eden Bradley can write sensual romance books to fit everyone's taste.
Once again Ms. Bradley manages to capture the love of two emotionally broken people while telling a beautifully written story. Well done!
best-selling author Eden Bradley aka Eve Berlin has published over 30
contemporary, paranormal and futuristic erotic romance novels and novellas for
Berkley Heat, Harlequin Spice and HQN, Samhain Publishing and Bantam/Delta in
both print and e-books. Her specialty is writing BDSM and other kinks, as well
as complicated characters and lush romantic relationships. This year she is
also venturing into self-publishing with the re-releases of her stories
Visit her
websites:,, or her group blog
Eden has generously offered to giveaway the choice of one ebook to a commenter, Winter Solstice or Tempt me Twice. All you have to do is like my facebook page and leave a comment telling me which Eden Bradley book is your favorite WITH your email address. If you have not read any books by Eden, That is ok! Just let me know you haven't and you will still be entered in the drawing. PLEASE DO NOT FOR GET TO LEAVE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS. THIS IS THE ONLY WAY I WILL BE ABLE TO CONTACT THE WINNER.
Thanks and good luck!
*This giveaway is open to international winners.*
I think I've only read Tempt Me Twice, but damn was it hot! Definitely want to check out more of her work!
I have a couple of her books on my kindle, but haven't read them yet. 24 hours in a day just isn't enough for me to squeeze everything in! I need more! She is definitely on top of my TBR.
bournmelissa at hotmail dot com
So hard to choose, but I guess my favorite is Forbidden Fruit. I never thought food fetishes were all that hot, but of course EB changed my mind!
Thank you Taryn for this giveaway and I love your blog.
Extra special thanks to the lovely and talented Eden Bradley for the Giveaway and for all the wonderful books she has written!
I've read a couple but the one I really liked is The Dark Garden. Thanks T for that one!
P.S.S. Now I wanna read Fallen Angel ASAP!
Love Eden's book and can't wait to read this one.
No need to enter me in the contest as I have both of the books being given away.
Thanks so much for hosting me today, Taryn-and for your kind words about my work. :)
For all of you who have read my books-and for those that have never read me before-Fallen Angel is...a bit different. For one, since this book was originally contracted for the now-defunct Harlequin Spice line, the sex was more explicit initially. When Spice shut down and the book was shifted to the HQN line I was asked to dial things back-not necessarily a bad thing, but just a warning that my other books are a bit more explicit, especially my Samhain books.
Another warning-Fallen Angel is a bit of a strange story-lol! It's NOT a paranormal, and the cover and cover blurb don't even begin to hint at some of the disturbing content. Just so you know. :)
Taryn-not to worry-I'm writing like mad! I have three BDSM books coming out this summer-my novella Sanctuary will be out next week-by Wednesday, I think ('I think' only because it's a self-published book and we're never exactly sure how long Amazon and B&N will take to upload). Then Breaking Skye-another novella- will be out about 4-5 weeks later. Both of these stories were previously published in 2006 and 2007-I got the rights back and both have gone through massive rewrites, and have tons of new content. And in August is Temptation's Edge (written under my alter-ego Eve Berlin) from Berkley Heat, a full-length novel.
The covers for all three books can be seen on my websites.
Thanks again for having me! I'll be checking in throughout the day to chat with everyone-feel free to ask questions!
Eden/Eve :)
I have not read any of Eden/Eve's books yet! I'm excited to start reading her books, they all sound great and I've heard they are awesome! I have alot of catching up to do!
I really love the Midnight Playground series by Eden....BDSM vampires, YUM!
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com
(it is a j after the _)
I have two questions for Eden:
What is you're favorite BDSM book?
Have you read The Reluctant Dom? I just downloaded it and was wondering what you thought of it .
I love your work, Eden! Keep 'em coming! :)
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