Deeper into You
October 2, 2012
The second book in the Crossfire series.
Gideon Cross. As beautiful and flawless on the
outside as he was damaged and tormented on the inside. He was a bright,
scorching flame that singed me with the darkest of pleasures. I couldn’t
stay away. I didn’t want to. He was my addiction… my every desire… mine.
My past was as violent as his, and I was just as broken. We’d never
work. It was too hard, too painful… except when it was perfect. Those
moments when the driving hunger and desperate love were the most
exquisite insanity.
We were bound by our need. And our passion would take us beyond our limits to the sweetest, sharpest edge of obsession…
Isn't this such a pretty cover? I haven't read this series yet...maybe one day I will get to it.
Friday, June 29, 2012
Review: Flat- Out Love by Jessica Park
5 Stars
I'm surprised at how much I enjoyed this story. When I first read the blurb, I thought, ok, this sounds kind of cute. I added it to my must-read-list. I didn't think twice of it until a friend messaged me on here and told me she had it to lend, via Kindle. After just reading Beautiful Disaster, I needed something wildly different. And boy oh boy was this different, but in such a wonderful way.
For me, this book was strangely entertaining to the point where I couldn't put it down. There were so many great moments in this book... like Julie's constant comments about Matt's shirts, the facebook messages, Celeste's vocabulary, and best of all "Flat Finn". I can't even chose which part of this book I enjoyed the most. I only know that I loved the entire book. There wasn't a dull moment! Always fun and witty and most of all...QUIRKY! That is the perfect word to describe this book: quirky. I saw that the author said that too, obviously before me, so I guess I can't take any credit for it.
Let's talk about Celeste for a minute: she is 13 with an IQ probably higher than Einstein's, yet she's a social misfit. Celeste is an amazing young woman with such a wide vocabulary that at times I had no idea what she was talking about. However, she seems to exhibit some odd behavior. For example, she carts around a carbon copy of her older brother, Finn, and has complete conversations with him while her family doesn't even think twice of it. I felt so bad for this poor girl. She clearly needed help and yet no one was able to help her...until Julie showed up. There were some very emotional moments between Celeste and Julie. I had tears in my eyes when Julie was trying to show Celeste how to wear lip gloss and nail polish... a very pivotal moment for Celeste and her issues with Finn. I think the funniest was when Julie was trying to take Flat Finn grocery shopping. I had tears in my eyes from laughing so hard!
Julie, an Ohio transplant, was now living in Boston, going to college and trying to live with the Watkins family. That was no easy feat for her. Not only did she grow attached to Celeste, but she started to develop feelings for Finn. However, she was dating Seth and all along I couldn't help but feel that Matt, Finn's younger brother, was becoming attracted to her. Julie is intelligent, quick-witted and wants to help Celeste. She easily adapts to this family as if she was meant to be there all along.
Matt is a replica of my husband, minus the geeky shirts. I have always joked with my hubby that he has all this knowledge in his brain...just sitting there...waiting to be needed. And when it is needed, he is able to retreive it as if he just learned about it yesterday. And that's exactly how Matt is: incredibly bright with an ingenious sense of humor...really, a perfect package of a man if you ask me. I felt like I was reading about my hubby. Their intelligence is almost mind boggling. But that is what attracted me to my hubby in the first place...his brain...and I tell him that all the time. He must think I'm nuts when I say that. Ok, back to Matt and his geeky shirts and his devotion to his sister. I felt like Matt has concealing something. I was right, but it wasn't just the family secret...
There was a very big secret. I speculated so many ideas about what the secret could be, and I honestly didn't know until close to the very end. I know a lot readers said they realized it early on, but I was left guessing. Well, I must have a really small brain because I truly had no idea what it was...mere speculation of what it could be. I think I was too wrapped in the story to really contemplate about it. And then it hit me right as the story unfolded itself. The secret was heart achingly sad, making me shed a few tears. But have no fear! There is a bittersweet ending to this story.
I think everyone should give this book a chance. It's a story of life's many challenges and winding roads. It's also a story of triumph. It will make you believe that while nothing in life comes easy, all of your hardwork will pay off in the end.
I also want to thank my goodreads friend, Lisa. If you hadn't messaged me about loaning this book to me, I may not have ever read it, (even though it was on my to-read list). And that would be a crying shame. Thank YOU!
Here are some parts of the book that I enjoyed:
"I'm sure he's incredibly cool. Just the word physics already has me hot and bothered."
"I put my pants on one leg at a time, just like everyone else. It's the way I take them OFF that makes me better than you."
"Thinks that Twitter is like Facebook’s slutty cousin. It does everything dumb and whore-ish you’re too responsible to do."
"You can look back now and see how you should have known, but you were focusing on the facts instead of the feeling."
"Julie peered into the car as the window lowered. “I see a maniacal-looking guy with brightly-colored candy in one hand, and he’s waving a bloody sickle with the other. Oh! He’s beckoning me to the car. This must be my ride.”
“Well, this is obviously the apartment I was meant to have. No wonder the one in Jamaica Plain didn’t work out. It was a sign from God that I needed to find this gem. The cockroaches are a nice bonus. I’ve always wanted to live with animals. And I can make extra money working as a hooker. Those girls outside looked really friendly, and I’m sure they’d take me under their wing and teach me the tricks of the trade. Pardon the pun.”
I'm surprised at how much I enjoyed this story. When I first read the blurb, I thought, ok, this sounds kind of cute. I added it to my must-read-list. I didn't think twice of it until a friend messaged me on here and told me she had it to lend, via Kindle. After just reading Beautiful Disaster, I needed something wildly different. And boy oh boy was this different, but in such a wonderful way.
For me, this book was strangely entertaining to the point where I couldn't put it down. There were so many great moments in this book... like Julie's constant comments about Matt's shirts, the facebook messages, Celeste's vocabulary, and best of all "Flat Finn". I can't even chose which part of this book I enjoyed the most. I only know that I loved the entire book. There wasn't a dull moment! Always fun and witty and most of all...QUIRKY! That is the perfect word to describe this book: quirky. I saw that the author said that too, obviously before me, so I guess I can't take any credit for it.
Let's talk about Celeste for a minute: she is 13 with an IQ probably higher than Einstein's, yet she's a social misfit. Celeste is an amazing young woman with such a wide vocabulary that at times I had no idea what she was talking about. However, she seems to exhibit some odd behavior. For example, she carts around a carbon copy of her older brother, Finn, and has complete conversations with him while her family doesn't even think twice of it. I felt so bad for this poor girl. She clearly needed help and yet no one was able to help her...until Julie showed up. There were some very emotional moments between Celeste and Julie. I had tears in my eyes when Julie was trying to show Celeste how to wear lip gloss and nail polish... a very pivotal moment for Celeste and her issues with Finn. I think the funniest was when Julie was trying to take Flat Finn grocery shopping. I had tears in my eyes from laughing so hard!
Julie, an Ohio transplant, was now living in Boston, going to college and trying to live with the Watkins family. That was no easy feat for her. Not only did she grow attached to Celeste, but she started to develop feelings for Finn. However, she was dating Seth and all along I couldn't help but feel that Matt, Finn's younger brother, was becoming attracted to her. Julie is intelligent, quick-witted and wants to help Celeste. She easily adapts to this family as if she was meant to be there all along.
Matt is a replica of my husband, minus the geeky shirts. I have always joked with my hubby that he has all this knowledge in his brain...just sitting there...waiting to be needed. And when it is needed, he is able to retreive it as if he just learned about it yesterday. And that's exactly how Matt is: incredibly bright with an ingenious sense of humor...really, a perfect package of a man if you ask me. I felt like I was reading about my hubby. Their intelligence is almost mind boggling. But that is what attracted me to my hubby in the first place...his brain...and I tell him that all the time. He must think I'm nuts when I say that. Ok, back to Matt and his geeky shirts and his devotion to his sister. I felt like Matt has concealing something. I was right, but it wasn't just the family secret...
There was a very big secret. I speculated so many ideas about what the secret could be, and I honestly didn't know until close to the very end. I know a lot readers said they realized it early on, but I was left guessing. Well, I must have a really small brain because I truly had no idea what it was...mere speculation of what it could be. I think I was too wrapped in the story to really contemplate about it. And then it hit me right as the story unfolded itself. The secret was heart achingly sad, making me shed a few tears. But have no fear! There is a bittersweet ending to this story.
I think everyone should give this book a chance. It's a story of life's many challenges and winding roads. It's also a story of triumph. It will make you believe that while nothing in life comes easy, all of your hardwork will pay off in the end.
I also want to thank my goodreads friend, Lisa. If you hadn't messaged me about loaning this book to me, I may not have ever read it, (even though it was on my to-read list). And that would be a crying shame. Thank YOU!
Here are some parts of the book that I enjoyed:
"I'm sure he's incredibly cool. Just the word physics already has me hot and bothered."
"I put my pants on one leg at a time, just like everyone else. It's the way I take them OFF that makes me better than you."
"Thinks that Twitter is like Facebook’s slutty cousin. It does everything dumb and whore-ish you’re too responsible to do."
"You can look back now and see how you should have known, but you were focusing on the facts instead of the feeling."
"Julie peered into the car as the window lowered. “I see a maniacal-looking guy with brightly-colored candy in one hand, and he’s waving a bloody sickle with the other. Oh! He’s beckoning me to the car. This must be my ride.”
“Well, this is obviously the apartment I was meant to have. No wonder the one in Jamaica Plain didn’t work out. It was a sign from God that I needed to find this gem. The cockroaches are a nice bonus. I’ve always wanted to live with animals. And I can make extra money working as a hooker. Those girls outside looked really friendly, and I’m sure they’d take me under their wing and teach me the tricks of the trade. Pardon the pun.”

REVIEW: A Damned Good Rogering by Roger Frank Selby
This book is really just a small collection of five erotic
short stories in various scenarios, some of which are your typical naughty, and
some are a little out there.
Here you’ll find a little bit of everything, but the one
commonality is that it’s all highly naughty and erotic.
I usually like a little romance with my smut, but only two
of these stories held a lick of romance and I still enjoyed it, like the good
little smut addict that I am. Being that
there’s multiple stories, I’ll just touch a little on my feel for each
one. Just keep in mind that I can’t say
too much because they’re each only about ten to fifteen pages long.
of the Night is interesting, though a little alien in
feeling. It’s a bit of an awkward
scenario for me as a female is captured and enticed into servicing the crew
that captured her. I wouldn’t call it a
gangbang, as it wasn’t quite that raunchy and it was really quite gentle, but
there’s zero romance involved. The
ending though leaves you interested in the world, which makes me a little sad
that the story is just a little short like it is.
Farmer’s Gun is one of the two that has a hint of
romance. It starts out feeling awkward
and naughty as the wife has a little affair, but the ending has an
understanding and acceptance that is actually pretty heartwarming. I also love the pun in the title. Reminds me of the rhyme “This is my weapon,
this is my gun. One is for fighting, one
is for fun.” I hope I got that
right…anyway, can you guess which is actually the focus of the story? *grin*
Periscope! is more what I expected from the book given the title of
the collection. I was expecting a more
military focus, but this is the only story that has it. There’s a little surprise seduction of
subordinates, and a little dominating punishment. It’s fun, sexy and satisfying.
Thou Shalt Not Covet is naughty and a little mysterious. The central message is “Thou shalt not covet
thy neighbor’s wife” and the ending is funny in the way they deliver that
message by hinting at the solution to the mystery, which I was surprised I
didn’t see coming.
And Spanking Ms. Goodbody is the final story, and the name alone
sounds naughty. It’s also very
straightforward as that’s exactly what happens.
However, this is the other one that has a hint of romance. Ms. Goodbody is landlady to a B&B and
she’s caught spying on a sexy couple, and her voyeurism is turned into a living
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Review: Because of You by Jessica Scott
Stories about men in uniform, and out of uniform, really get
to me. There’s just something about an alpha male in uniform. When they’re
wounded or broken and find their way back, just makes it better.
I enjoyed the story Because of You. It was a good story and
a fairly easy read. I say fairly easy because it deals with some very heavy
emotions and the dark side of soldiers returning from war. The PTSD and
depression that goes along with dealing with injuries and the loss of life
makes for a compelling story.
Shane and Jen are both scarred, albeit for different
reasons, and find a way through their stress and depression to fall in love
with each other. This is a touching and heart-warming story. Most of the
characters were well developed and added a great deal to the story. The lent an
air of reality to Shane and Jen’s story.
I enjoyed this story and I’m glad I read it, but I was hoping for a stronger romance. A majority of
the book dealt with the war and the recovery of Shane and his injured soldiers.
The romance seemed to be secondary to the story of the soldiers.

Review: Catering to the Italian Playboy by Tamelia Tumlin
I really enjoyed reading this story. I found it to be a real
page-turner. It’s a pretty straightforward romance with a few bumps in the road
to make it interesting.
Tamelia does a pretty good job of developing the characters
in this story, even thought it’s not lengthy. Sophia and Max are wonderful
characters who make you feel for them and want them to find their Happily Ever
After. They both go through epiphanies where they learn quite a bit about
themselves, just by being with each other.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
ARC Review: At Last by Jill Shalvis
Running. Amy Michaels was good at
that. She ran from her bad decisions,
ran from her past. Not trusting anyone or even herself. Following a journey her late grandmother took
three decades before, Amy finds herself in the quaint, little coastal town of
Lucky Harbor, Washington. She hoped to
find the Peace, Hope and Heart her grandmother wrote about in her journals. She never expected to find so much more.
Matt Bowers left behind his life in
Chicago for a fresh start. Former Navy,
then SWAT, he’s now a supervisory forest ranger. He likes the quiet and simplicity
of Lucky Harbor. After a disastrous marriage the last thing he wants is to get
involved with anyone. But there is
something about Amy that just gets under his skin.
This is the first novel I have read by
Jill Shalvis and it will NOT be the last.
I’m eager to go back and read the rest of the Lucky Harbor series. The story captures you from the start. I love the banter between Amy and Matt. The conversations between them just flow
beautifully. Amy and Matt, both are reluctant
to give into their hearts. Amy learned a
long time ago to use her sexuality to achieve her means. She’s changed that about herself. For years she has denied her basic, primal
need. Something she didn’t even notice
missing till she caught Matt’s eye. He
stirs those long buried feelings in her.
She’s afraid though once he learns about her past the way he looks at
her now will change. Matt blames himself for the end of his marriage and his
career in Chicago. He believes he is
better off alone. He can’t deny the
attraction he has to Amy, but he sees the hesitancy to trust him in her eyes. He feels he doesn’t deserve her trust
anyway. He let his ex-wife down. He has no business getting involved with
They both give into their passion, but
will they give into their hearts? At
Last is a beautiful love story filled with personal growth and forgiveness. The romance is hot, but the emotions involved
make it that much sweeter.
Review: Acheron by Sherrilyn Kenyon

To sum it up: Eleven thousand years ago a god was born. Cursed into the body of a human, Acheron spent a lifetime of shame. However, his human death unleashed an unspeakable horror that almost destroyed the earth. Then, brought back against his will, Acheron became the sole defender of mankind.
Only it was never that simple. For centuries, he has fought for our survival and hidden a past he’ll do anything to keep concealed. Until a lone woman who refuses to be intimidated by him threatens his very existence.
Now his survival, and ours, hinges on hers and old enemies reawaken and unite to kill them both.
War has never been more deadly... or more fun.
Although Ash was Gothic in the present half of the book, I still pictured him blonde, sexy, and GORGEOUS! (Just as he was depicted in the first half of the story!) ...and I felt that Travis Fimmel fit him perfectly!
This picture reminds me of Ash and Tory- (Since Tory wore glasses, this picture was perfect, in my opinion!)
FYI: This was one of the best investments of time and money that I’ve ever spent on a book.
This is probably one of the most difficult reviews that I’ve ever written. How do you write a review for a book you adored? What could you possibly say about a story that left you truly in awe? I apologize if this review is a long one… but the book was definitely worthy of a review that does it justice.
I first came across Ash in Zarek’s story. (Dance with the Devil) It was actually my first Sherrilyn Kenyon book, and to be quite honest, I didn’t think that I would like this series, period. But after reading Zarek’s story, (which I actually enjoyed immensely) I knew I had to read about Ash immediately. I was literally drawn to his character- I found myself craving every page that he was on and wanting to read more and more about him. Believe it or not, the second I finished Dance with the Devil, I went and bought Acheron- and I’ve never been more happy about that decision.
Now, I’ll be the first to tell you that I have a harem full of all of my favorite heroes. And dare I say it… but I think Ash just made it to spot number one. I haven’t felt this way about a hero in… well… ever. Since I was first introduced to him, I’ve been in love. The kind of fictional character love where you’re literally thinking, speaking, and dreaming of the hero on a twenty-four-seven basis, even after you’ve finished the book. I’m sure I just made myself sound like a complete lunatic, but hey… it is what it is.
To look at Ash was to want him.
To see him was to ache to touch him.
He had been built to please, and trained to pleasure.
As a young boy, Acheron accepted anything without complaint. All his life, all he ever craved was a loving touch; one that wasn’t selfish or hurting. He was a ghost who walked through life observing it… wanting to take part, but too afraid to risk being hurt to reach out. It took an incredible amount of strength for him to be alone in the world; to have no shelter from those that hurt him. All he had ever asked for were the two things that no one had ever given him: Love and respect.
The first half of the story was perfection personified. It was truly gut-wrenching to read every page of Ash’s torture. He lived with abuse on a daily basis- physical, mental, and sexual. He was betrayed by all who should have loved him. I have NEVER read a book that made me feel as much as this one. Ash, no doubt, faced hell on earth as a human… and reading about it broke my heart into pieces. This part of the story was just so compelling, and it can’t help but touch your heart, and make you see and feel every betrayal, both physical and emotional that Acheron faced.
"She reached down to brush his hair back from his forehead. Ash buried his face against her thigh and nipped the tender flesh there as her hand touched his cheek. 'Please don’t pull my hair,' he breathed in a ragged whisper, not wanting anything to spoil this moment. '…I would never hurt you, Ash.'"
Oh. God.
that quote just break your heart? I could just picture him with his
beautiful, sweet, and big gray eyes looking up at Tory in that scene…
wanting so much to trust that she won’t hurt him like everyone else has
in his life. *sniff, sniff* …Every page I read in the first
half, literally kept me completely and utterly spell-bound. I couldn’t
have put the first part of the novel down, had you paid me.
As for the second half (present day)… I wouldn’t say it was a disappointment… I just didn’t enjoy it as much as I did the first half. It felt a bit rushed, but only because the first half was so much more deep than his present depicted. During this half of the story, Sherrilyn Kenyon paid a little less attention to detail, and focused more on the action that was constantly going on. I’ve only read one other book in this series, and after reading the second half of this story, I’d say that the everything that happens in the present time, falls more along the rest of her novels in the Dark Hunter Series. The heroine, Tory… well… let’s just say, she grew on me. After reading the first half of the novel, and really getting to know Ash on a personal level, Tory just wasn’t who I pictured him with. I’d definitely describe her as a smart-mouth with a temper. *rolls eyes* (And anyone who knows me, knows that’s not a quality I care for my heroine’s to have.) In my personal opinion, I saw him more with a heroine who’s similar to his sister Ryssa. I just felt that she tried her absolute hardest to understand Ash on such a level that no one else did- her love was absolutely unconditional, where-as Ash’s relationship with Tory, just seemed to happen without near as much work. It was almost as if her character understood Ash’s insecurities within a few pages, where-as everyone else who knew him on some sort of level, never got close enough. With that being said though, her courage and strength won out, and I ended up liking her more and more towards the end of the story. She ended up giving him a self-worth he had never known before, and the love he felt for her made him better than his past. She was a smart woman with the ability to love unconditionally and selflessly. Tie that in with loyalty and a sense of humor, and I can see where Sherrilyn Kenyon felt Tory was right for Ash. And to be fair, I loved him so much, there probably isn’t a heroine in the world (aside from me) who would have deserved him.
To all of you who have never read a book in Sherrilyn Keyon’s Dark Hunter Series, I’ll definitely say that this can be read as a stand-alone. (Although, other fans out there of the Dark Hunter Series, might not be too happy with me, for actually encouraging you to read this book before the others, hehe.) There may be times in the second half, that become a bit confusing when other characters are introduced, especially if you’ve never read any other book in the series… but not enough so, that you’re completely lost and unable to understand what’s going on. All in all, this book was beautifully written… and with both parts of the stories combined, it made for a perfect read, and another one I can proudly add to my “favorites” shelf.
As for the second half (present day)… I wouldn’t say it was a disappointment… I just didn’t enjoy it as much as I did the first half. It felt a bit rushed, but only because the first half was so much more deep than his present depicted. During this half of the story, Sherrilyn Kenyon paid a little less attention to detail, and focused more on the action that was constantly going on. I’ve only read one other book in this series, and after reading the second half of this story, I’d say that the everything that happens in the present time, falls more along the rest of her novels in the Dark Hunter Series. The heroine, Tory… well… let’s just say, she grew on me. After reading the first half of the novel, and really getting to know Ash on a personal level, Tory just wasn’t who I pictured him with. I’d definitely describe her as a smart-mouth with a temper. *rolls eyes* (And anyone who knows me, knows that’s not a quality I care for my heroine’s to have.) In my personal opinion, I saw him more with a heroine who’s similar to his sister Ryssa. I just felt that she tried her absolute hardest to understand Ash on such a level that no one else did- her love was absolutely unconditional, where-as Ash’s relationship with Tory, just seemed to happen without near as much work. It was almost as if her character understood Ash’s insecurities within a few pages, where-as everyone else who knew him on some sort of level, never got close enough. With that being said though, her courage and strength won out, and I ended up liking her more and more towards the end of the story. She ended up giving him a self-worth he had never known before, and the love he felt for her made him better than his past. She was a smart woman with the ability to love unconditionally and selflessly. Tie that in with loyalty and a sense of humor, and I can see where Sherrilyn Kenyon felt Tory was right for Ash. And to be fair, I loved him so much, there probably isn’t a heroine in the world (aside from me) who would have deserved him.
To all of you who have never read a book in Sherrilyn Keyon’s Dark Hunter Series, I’ll definitely say that this can be read as a stand-alone. (Although, other fans out there of the Dark Hunter Series, might not be too happy with me, for actually encouraging you to read this book before the others, hehe.) There may be times in the second half, that become a bit confusing when other characters are introduced, especially if you’ve never read any other book in the series… but not enough so, that you’re completely lost and unable to understand what’s going on. All in all, this book was beautifully written… and with both parts of the stories combined, it made for a perfect read, and another one I can proudly add to my “favorites” shelf.
Kallypso Masters Perfect Blog Tour Giveaway!
Savannah Gentry, now Savi Baker, escaped the torture and
degradation forced upon her by a sadistic father for eleven years and has made
a safe life for herself and her daughter. When her father threatens her peace
of mind—and her daughter's safety—Savi runs to Damián Orlando for protection.
Their one day together eight years earlier changed both their lives and
resulted in a secret she can no longer hide. But being with Damián reawakens
feelings she wants buried—and stirs up an onslaught of disturbing flashbacks
that leave her shaken to the core with little hope of ever being a sexual being
Damián has his own dragons to fight, but has
never forgotten the one perfect day he spent with Savannah in a cave at the
beach. He will go to the ends of the earth to protect Savi and her daughter,
but can never be the whole man she deserves after a firefight in Iraq. Besides,
the trauma of war and resulting PTSD has led him to find his place as the
Masters at Arms Club's favorite sadist. Savi needs someone gentle and loving,
not the broken man he has become. But he sees that the lifestyle he's come to
embrace also can help Savi regain control of her life and sexuality. How can he
not help redirect her negative thoughts and actions if she needs him?
Interview with Kellie Hunter
Hunter came to me on Facebook to say she enjoyed my first two books and
mentioned that she was active in the BDSM lifestyle. That was probably six
months ago. She became one of my beta readers for Nobody's Hero and has been a
great help to me with Savi's character in Nobody's Perfect. Because I am not in
the community, I rely heavily on those who are to help me "get it
Kellie and Savi find it very difficult to show emotion by crying because of
past abuse--seeing it as a sign of weakness so having their Dom or Top bring
them to the point of tears is very cathartic.
recently wrote me after reading a scene I wrote for Savi and said it was as if
I had gotten inside her head. That is what every writer wants to hear!
Kellie was
recently interviewed by my assistant, Leagh Christensen. I'd like to share that
with you now.
How or
when did you realize you were a submissive?
Probably when
I was in college, at the age of 17
what being submissive means to you.
It means
that you find strength in serving and pleasing others
How did
you go about finding the appropriate means once you realized what you needed?
How would you suggest new subs find safe ways to practice?
I found a
wonderful Man who could fulfill my needs, if you are single and just starting I
would suggest to do lots of research, go to functions, most communities have a
community, and certainly if you are going to play with someone, negotiate and
make sure you watch them play with others at least 3 to 5 times.
What is
your point of view on sadomasochism (SM), as you know Damián in Kally's book is now a sadist and Savi is a
Do you do anything with that level of pain or use any edge control practices
with your Dom?
I have a
hard time releasing emotions so for me it is a way to let go, to be able to cry
and get what I need to release emotions I don't usually know how to release.
For me it is almost like a therapy, to get rid of the stress and tears that I
hold inside.
What is
it like emotionally to be on the receiving end of a Dom's attentions?
It is
flattering, especially if you care about that person. It makes you feel special
that they chose you to play with and that you are the one holding their
does being a mother to small children affect your being a 24/7 submissive?
You find
other ways to serve, like dinner, laundry, like having him pick out your
clothes and pj's, kneeling before bed at his feet to keep
you in the sub frame of mind.
what is your favorite part about being a sub in a long-term relationship?
I love having the trust that comes with knowing
someone for a long period of time. Having them know you so intimately that you
no longer need to negotiate because you trust them to know your responses
enough to stop if needed. I don't know about you all, but I am dying to read this book! Nobody's Perfect is the long awaited book in this series. It features Damien and Savannah- the two with the most emotional and physical issues to date. We met them in book one, Master At Arms, where we were hooked with their tragic stories from day one. We got glimpses of them with the last two books released, but it wasn't enough to tide us over, at least not for me that is. I haven't stopped thinking of these two characters since the beginning.
I have been counting down the days for this book- seriously! I love books where the characters have deep emotional issues to overcome. It's going to be a long and hard ride for these two, and just the kind of ride I love the most. I just know in the end, it's going to show how strong they really are on in the inside to battle these demons on the inside. And with the support of their love on each of their sides, well, there's no stopping them now. Of course it's going to take a lot of work on each of their parts at first, but I am extremely eager to see this story unfold.
And if you haven't read this series yet, that's ok. Kally Has marked Master At Arms FREE for ever! Yay! Go Kally!
All you have to do is LIKE MY FACEBOOK PAGE and leave a comment telling me which dom/book is your favorite so far. If you haven't read the books yet, then no worries, just let me know you REALLY want to read these books. PLEASE LEAVE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS IN YOUR COMMENT. I WILL HAVE NO WAY TO CONTACT THE WINNER IF IT'S NOT LEFT.
Thanks and good luck!!
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
ARC Review: Sanctuary by Eden Bradley
Oh my....what a sensual
and titillating story this is! Sanctuary is dark and seductive; it left me
breathless and eager for more. I loved it!
Devin is having a night
out with her friend, Kimmie. They
arrive at a club where Devin’s attention is drawn to a ring where one man and
two women were helplessly tied and bound to a giant 'x' on the floor. As their bodies lay at the mercy of two
strong and powerful men, a part of Devin seemed to come alive. Watching these
women awakened a dormant desire lying within her. Devin wants to experience
what these women are feeling, a suppressive need to be under the vice of a
stronger, dominate man.
Shaye is the kind of man
dreams are made of: he's strong and solid, confidant, and sexy as hell with his
tattoos and piercing. He isn't looking for a woman to take home and collar
though. He’s happy the way his life is going. It's exactly how his father lived
his life and he planned to follow in step. Yet when he locks eyes with Devin,
he can't help but want to play with there is a magnetic field
pulling her towards him. Shaye can see the pure need in her eyes so he asks her
to play with him….but Devin immediately says no.
From the beginning, I
was hooked on this story. I didn’t want to put it down. A moment, while insignificant to one person,
can have a profound effect on another person. A moment of clarity presented
itself to Devine. It was difficult for
her to grasp because she felt it would loosen her grip on what kept her
grounded. Devin doesn't want to give herself up to Shaye, which is what she
thinks will happen if she submits to him. Control is what holds her life
together and letting a man take control of her is a sign of weakness she cannot
identify with. Surprisingly, Shaye has the same problem. He is content with the
way his life is going, but meeting Devin opens these feelings in him, feelings
he’s not accustomed to having and they play on his emotions. When he sits and
contemplates his life, he realizes it's not what he wanted at first; that a
life of solitude and no love is no life at all. As the story progresses, Devin
and Shaye both slowly starts to accept these deep desires, but it’s not easy.
Devin realizes she won't lose control of herself if she let’s someone else take
the reins- because in the end, they’ll both come out on top.
It's no surprise I adore
Eden Bradley's work. She gets me every time. Ms. Bradley has a way of making
words pour over me slowly and sweetly, sticking to me so I'll never forget
them. Sanctuary is another gem by Eden Bradley. I’m normally not a fan of
novellas, I rarely read them, however I really enjoyed this one.
ARC Review: Kissin' Tell by Lorelei James
Kissin’ Tell BLOWED MY MIND.
With that being said, I must
confess that Tell McKay has officially DETHRONED Kane McKay as my #1 cowboy
hottie. I am mentally prepared to drag myself on my bare feet all the
way to South Dakota to WORSHIP Ms. James for this book!
Georgia Hotchkiss was the high
school beauty everybody girl wanted to be and every boy wanted to bang.
The awarded cheerleader, the high school hottie’s girlfriend, the goody two
shoes who actually wore a purity ring through her senior year. Her life was all butterflies and roses until tragedy strikes. Her life did a 180. She learned the hardest way that ‘real life’ is bigger
than high school and too short to waste in things that have no possible outcome.
Tell McKay was always the
helpful, fun and sweet boy. He didn't have a great childhood and was taken advantage of often. The Tell
from ten years ago would have done anything to get Georgia’s attention, even her
homework. But the Tell Georgia meets a few weeks before their ten year
high school reunion is the absolute opposite. He is beyond anything she could’ve ever
asked for in her dreams, and reality, but mostly in her bed. And the way things
start between them ignites memories, regrets and love neither one of them knew
Mrs. James has written a
MASTERPIECE! I thought I had read the most epic of her McKay books when
Chase’s story came out, but nothing, NOTHING prepared me for a story I
could’ve sworn she wrote for me. FOR ME! The similarities with my own love
story end with Georgia’s tragedy. But the love and other awakened feelings that
will possibly never leave my mind are so similar to Georgia's, I felt like I was literally inside this story from page one.
Once again, Ms. James left me anticipating what happens throughout the book. She opens up a whole
new world you never thought about because let’s be honest: You (as well as
myself) would never live in a small town like Sundance, Wyoming. What are the odds
of you dating a cowboy or working for a Rodeo circuit? I know that may never
happen in my life but as my Gramma says: “never say never”. This time, through
Tell’s eyes, I saw beyond my standards and thought about possibilities
I never wanted to include in my list of “what if’s”. Tell showed me that love
can be just were you left it, so many years ago, waiting for you to be ready to
embrace it.
One of the main reasons why I love
Ms. James’s books so much is because no matter what the characters story focuses on, the
main ingredient that makes her books a winner is the FAMILY VALUES. This
time, I think she described reality in a way she’s never done before. Tragedy
happens to even the greatest people in history, and of course to us simple
mortals. In the
end, I’m pretty sure you will agree with me that in some major ways this book is
very different from the rest yet is has all the best elements to make it a MAGNIFICENT romance story! I had to hold back tears many times. For a book
to touch me so deep, it could only mean it’s MAJESTICALLY written.
A for the rest of the elements, I
applaud the well descriptive scenarios, the absolutely HOT AND DROOLING SCENES only Ms. James can bring to life, the incredibly flawless timeline and
inclusion of members of the McKay clan to spice up the story, the neat and
realistic dialogues, the fun and tease, and the way she can jump from scene to
scene without losing perspective. How Ms. James is able to open the gates for
new story lines is so natural. She leaves you in suspense as to what will happen
next! And from what I see it, there will be A LOT going on in Gavin’s story and
also in Dalton’s. If I am allowed to put my two cents in, Keely deserves ANOTHER
short story after all the fun conversation she had with
I would also be scared to death
to have kids if any mother assured me my nipples will bleed while
Above all that, Tell &
Georgia rocked my world. Tell is the most loving, sweet, passionate, caring,
and adorable character Ms. James has created- even above the twins and Colt,
whom I always considered the sweethearts. They got NOTHING on Tell!
Ms. James did it again and did
it PERFECT! Hands down. It was a real surprise and a complete privilege to have
read this book in advance and write my thoughts about it. It’s the first time I
do something like this and I hope it won’t be the last, especially if it is a
Lorelei James book.
For you guys to understand a
little bit more about WHY I ADORED this book, I’m going to tell you a little
Three years ago I was
reacquainted with my high school sweetheart via Facebook. I haven’t seen him in person since 2003. It was due to the fact that one day he just got
decided we could no longer be together and he broke up with me. Five
years later, he was married and divorced to another high school friend of ours.
Not long after, I started my new life in Southern California and we
started talking again after his divorce. One day out of the blue he just
asked me what had we done wrong
all those years ago. Note: this is a man…no, this is THE MAN I wanted to
share my entire life with. The only man who I actually loved and
my love to. The one and only man who I have actually mourned as if he
was no
longer here on earth the day he got married. I decided I rather think
him dead before loving him as a married man. Yes, tragic, but hey! After
all I
am a romance reader.
One day during a (very
x-rated) chat, we actually decided we would follow an agreement ‘similar’ to
the one Tell McKay and Georgia Hotchkiss settle.
I won’t tell you what it is
though! That would ruin the fun for you before reading this book.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Off the Beaten Track by Lucy Felthouse
When workaholic Libby Strong’s friends and family make her take a long
overdue holiday, she’s not impressed. A week of lounging by a swimming
pool and doing nothing is not her idea of fun. In an act of rebellion,
she books a day trip, touring in a jeep. When her guide arrives, Libby’s
astonished to discover she’s the only patron going on the trip. But as
hunky Demetrio takes her off the beaten track and deep into the
beautiful Portuguese countryside, she soon leaves her worries behind and
hangs on tight for the ride of her life.
Libby huffed and puffed as she made her way up the steep slope
leading to the rear exit of the hotel complex. She swore the builders
had had secret CCTV cameras installed so they could watch people suffer
their poor planning for years to come. At least it was early. Had it
been lunchtime, she’d surely have passed out with the heat.
Ah well, Libby thought as she finally reached the road, it’ll be worth it. This trip is going to be amazing.
As she stood on the mercifully flat pavement and got her breath back,
a thought niggled at her. Nobody else was here. Panicking, Libby
wrenched open her bag and pulled out her paperwork. She examined it,
then a glance at her watch confirmed she had both the right date and
time. So where was everyone? Yes, she was ten minutes early but surely
the others should be here by now? Looking down the slope she’d just
ascended, Libby frowned as she saw it was deserted. Everywhere was
Fuck, she thought, perhaps they were all here earlier and they’ve gone without me!
The rumble of an engine distracted Libby from her worries. Turning,
she saw a jeep trundling down the road towards her. She watched
hopefully as the driver pulled the vehicle up beside where she stood and
reached into the passenger seat.
Picking up a clipboard, the man glanced down, then at her, and said, “You are Libby Strong?”
She nodded.
The man grinned widely, revealing dimples in both cheeks, and hopped
out of the jeep. Walking around the vehicle to where she stood, he held
out a hand.
“I am Demetrio. Your guide for the day.”
Libby took his hand and shook it. It was warm and strong. Much like
the rest of him, she suspected, as she gave him a subtle once over. He
was tall, with black curly hair to his shoulders, luscious brown eyes
and olive skin. A white t-shirt bearing the holiday company’s logo
covered his top half—though without obscuring his impressive biceps—and
he wore longish tan colored shorts on the bottom. A pair of non-descript
white-ish trainers and faded red cap completed his outfit.
“I’m Libby,” she said, even though he already knew her name. She was just being polite. “Pleased to meet you.”
They broke off the handshake and Demetrio smiled again, then moved to the passenger side of the jeep and pulled open the door.
“Please,” he said, gesturing she should get in.
Libby did as she was told, but couldn’t help asking the burning question.
“Where is everyone else?”
Demetrio waited until she was safely in the passenger seat, closed
the door and made his way to the driver’s side. He got in, then turned
to her.
“There is nobody else. You are only person on this trip. You get best views!”
He laughed then , the flash of white teeth against olive skin
resulting in an unexpected jolt in Libby’s nether regions. She studied
his profile for a few seconds, then grudgingly admitted to herself that
Demetrio was, in fact, very attractive. Despite the fact she was a
red-blooded woman, she rarely noticed such things.
Like most people, she’d come on this holiday to recharge her
batteries. Unlike most people, she’d been practically forced into it.
Libby was somewhat of a workaholic, which left her little time for
anything else. It was this fact which had cost her her last
relationship. The long working hours, frequent rain checks on their
dates and her lack of interest in any kind of affection, let alone sex,
had finally caused James to walk away.
Libby had barely noticed. She’d just carried on working, and
working…until her friends and family had finally intervened. They’d
booked the holiday to Portugal, arranged with her boss for her to have
the time off, and basically given her little choice but to go.
Available from:
ARC Review: When Darkness Hungers by J.K. Beck
Alexis is out to avenge her sister’s
death. A former FBI agent, she won’t
stop till she drives a stake into the monster who took Tori from this world. Until then, she fights, hunting the monsters and
eliminating them one at a time.
Serge has walked the earth for two
thousand years. He’s tired of the daemon
within. The daemon is blood thirsty and
thrives on violence and the fear in others.
Cursed, he now has another beast inside him to contend with. The beast doesn’t need blood to survive, it
needs a life force. Refusing to give in to
either and slaughter innocents, Serge now has become a different kind of
monster. Once he stalked humans. Now, he hunts his own kind.
Alexis and Serge cross paths as they
both fight to rid the night of the monsters that thrive off it. Injured, Alexis has no choice but to take blood
from Serge to heal. She used to be
repulsed by vampires. Now, Serge fills
her mind with erotic desires.
When Darkness Hungers is like the grown
up version of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel. Alexis outfitted with stakes and crossbows
hunts down vampires, hoping to one day get the one who murdered her
sister. Serge hates what the daemon in
him makes him do. He battles himself
constantly to suppress it. Now with the
beast he can feed in a different way. He
hunts the vampires who have gone rogue. The
ones who kill for the simple pleasures of it.
The ones who were once like him.
I’m really on the fence with this
one. The story was full of action and
gore. The romance aspect though seemed rushed. Serge and Alexis didn’t finally meet until
the book was well in play. Once they got
romantic it was absolutely hot of course, but it felt out of sync. The storyline took on a new dynamic. It went from action to romance. It just didn’t flow well for me. Plus, part of it was hard to believe. Alexis has spent her last few years hating
vampires. Yet, after two encounters with
Serge she finds herself not only attracted to him, but falling in love as
well. I can accept the attraction and
desire, but love?
I will say though that when they are
romantically entwined it’s sweet to see a softer, vulnerable side of both her
and Serge. Somehow Alexis is able to
soothe the monsters inside him. The need
for blood and destruction is subdued around her. Serge feels maybe he has finally earned redemption. But, when the truth is discovered he feels it’s
his own private hell instead.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Have you read....
Slammed by Colleen Hoover? I hear it's suppose to be a gripping story right from the beginning. I haven't read it yet but I have it on my to-be-read list and it's quickly moving up. If you've read it, I'd to know what you thought about it.
Slammed is Colleen Hoover's 2012 best-selling debut novel.
Amazon's #1 United States Drama and #1 Top Rated e-book in Romance.
Following the unexpected death of her father, 18-year-old Layken is forced to be the rock for both her mother and younger brother. Outwardly, she appears resilient and tenacious, but inwardly, she's losing hope.
Following the unexpected death of her father, 18-year-old Layken is forced to be the rock for both her mother and younger brother. Outwardly, she appears resilient and tenacious, but inwardly, she's losing hope.
Enter Will Cooper: The attractive, 21-year-old new neighbor with an intriguing passion for slam poetry. Within days of their introduction, Will and Layken form an intense emotional connection, leaving Layken with a renewed sense of hope.
Not long after a heart-stopping first date, they are slammed to the core when a shocking revelation forces their new relationship to a sudden halt. Daily interactions become impossibly painful as they struggle to find a balance between the feelings that pull them together, and the force that keeps them apart.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Character Interview with Jennifer Probst
Hello, My Sweets! Today we have Jennifer Probst on My Secret Romance. She recently did an interview with hero, Rafe and wanted to share it with us. I loved it but would almost call it a tease! I want more!
Hey Jennifer! Thanks so much for stopping by My Secret Romance!
I’m so thrilled to be
hosted here today – thanks so much for
having me!
adore my hard core, stubborn hero from my newest book, Dare Me. I thought it would be fun to turn the tables on him and
give him an interview. One of my all time faves is from Inside the Actors
Me: Rafe, are you ready for
the interview?
Rafe: I’ve been ready and
waiting for a while now. Glad you’re finally here.
Me: Oh, ok, sorry for the
delay, I know being prompt is important to you. What turns you on?
Rafe: A woman in charge.
Me: I’m so glad you can
finally admit that!
Rafe: Can we move on instead
of getting all touchy feely?
Me: Fine. What turns you
Rafe: Pompous ass holes.
Me: What is your favorite
Rafe: Yes
Me: What is your least
favorite word?
Rafe: Can’t
Me: What sound or noise do
you love?
Rafe: The scream of a woman
during orgasm
Me: (wiping sweat off my brow). What sound or noise do you hate?
Rafe: Gunfire
Me: What profession other
than yours would you like to attempt?
Rafe: Personal trainer
Me: Seriously? I didn’t
expect that answer at all. Huh, I created you but could have sworn you’d pick—“
Rafe: Moving on, correct?
Me: Blushes. Sorry. What profession other than yours would you not want
to attempt?
Rafe: Lawyer
Me: What’s your favorite
swear word?
Rafe: Smiles wolflike. Fuck.
Me: Trembles. Ummm, ok, last question. If Heaven exists, what would you
like God to say as you enter the Pearly Gates?
Rafe: It wasn’t for nothing.
You’ll finally see that now.
Me: Wow, that was awesome
Rafe. I learned so much more about you, thanks again for stopping by.
Rafe: Welcome. See ya.
I love that man. Here’s a blurb from Dare
As a military
leader back from the war, and the youngest of his two dominant older brothers,
Rafe Steele struggles with a secret. He craves surrender in the bedroom under
the controlled hands of a Dominatrix. When his brothers offer him a one-night
stand through Madame Eve’s dating service, he jumps at the chance to enact his
fantasy. After one experiment, he’s sure he’ll be able to move on. But he never
counted on Summer Preston to strip down his walls and make him want more than
one night...
An elementary school teacher with a girl next door, fresh face, Summer is constantly barraged by men who want to take care of her, but she longs to meet a strong man who can handle her dominant ways in the bedroom. Trapped in her own storybook life, she books a one-night stand with Madame Eve to finally experience her fantasy. But she never counted on Rafe Steele to push her boundaries in both the bedroom...and her heart.
An elementary school teacher with a girl next door, fresh face, Summer is constantly barraged by men who want to take care of her, but she longs to meet a strong man who can handle her dominant ways in the bedroom. Trapped in her own storybook life, she books a one-night stand with Madame Eve to finally experience her fantasy. But she never counted on Rafe Steele to push her boundaries in both the bedroom...and her heart.
Available from: Amazon US, Amazon UK, All Romance eBooks, Decadent Publishing and all
other good eBook retailers.
Dare me is the third installment in the Steele Brother’s
series and it features the youngest Steele, Rafe. Rafe has returned from war and
is now following in his brothers footsteps by becoming a dealer at the same
hotel as Rick and Rome. Rafe however,
is different from his brothers in a major way. While both bothers are Dominates,
Rafe is submissive and is afraid to show that side to his brothers because he
is afraid of their reaction.
Jennifer Probst wrote her first book at twelve years old. She bound it in a folder, read it to her classmates, and hasn’t stopped writing since. She took a short hiatus to get married, get pregnant, buy a house, get pregnant again, pursue a master’s in English Literature, and rescue two shelter dogs. Now she is writing again.

Summer is
an elementary school teacher who happens to be a Dominatrix that is trying to find her
sub. Rafe decides to allow his brothers
to sign him up for a date with 1Night Stand. They figure since the information is
confidential, they're hoping to find a Dominatrix to get him past his
submissive side so he can move on.
Little does Rafe know that submitting to Summer will change him a lot more ways than one...
I really wish this one would have been so much longer than
it was. In fact, this book is the shortest of the three books in this series. Even with that being said, Dare ME does not
disappoint! I will admit I LOVE a
Dominate man. But a big tough military man who can give up control in the bedroom
is hot in my opinion. I am a military
wife so I know the definition of the tough military guy, but now I'm going to
wonder when I look at military men if they are Dominate or submissive. I enjoyed the fact that Summer wasn’t just portrayed as
a Dominatrix, but also as the girl next door elementary teacher. I also loved how she
forced Rafe to open up to her when he hadn’t even to his brothers.
I would really enjoy a long story on
the three brothers in the future just to see how their relationships have
played out. Jennifer Probst is definitely moving into my must read author list.
Jennifer Probst wrote her first book at twelve years old. She bound it in a folder, read it to her classmates, and hasn’t stopped writing since. She took a short hiatus to get married, get pregnant, buy a house, get pregnant again, pursue a master’s in English Literature, and rescue two shelter dogs. Now she is writing again.

Her publications with Red Sage include
“Masquerade” Secrets Volume 11, The Tantric Principle, and Sex, Lies and
Contracts. Her 1NightStand series include Catch Me and Play Me and Dare Me in
The Steele Brothers series with Decadent, and her New York Times and USA Today
bestseller, The Marriage Bargain, from the Indulgence line at Entangled. She
has also written a children's book, Buffy and the Carrot, co-written with her
twelve year old niece, along with a short story about a shelter dog, "A
Life Worth Living." All of her books are available at her website or
Stalking is highly
Twitter: @jenniferprobst
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