Then there's Aly’s best friend, Ethan Baker. He's sweet, handsome and charming. He is also in love with her. He's accepted that Aly and he will only be friends, until one day Aly realizes that her feelings towards Ethan are way more.
Aly is caught in between the man she’s loved for so long and the man that has always been there for her. As her feelings are pulled and tugged in both directions, she must make a choice before her distorted life loses both of them.
Who will end up winning Aly's heart?
Ever wonder what goes into writing a story? The plotting and research that an author does? Where the inspiration came from for a particular character? There are many hidden secrets or information that we wouldn't know about the book or writing process. A lot more goes into the writing than we think! Here are some interesting facts you may not know about Distored.
1. Distorted started as a fluke. The idea hit one night and I started writing. Before I knew it, I had over 10,000 words and knew that this was going to finally be the book that worked. I had attempted at least three to four stories before it but they never took.
2. I changed the sex scene from detailed to not detailed more times than I can count. I asked close friends their opinions on which way I should do it and of course got differing views. I come from a conservative background so the thought of my parents and family members reading a detailed sex scene that I wrote scared me to death. To find out which way I finally chose, you'll have to read the book. ;)
3. I didn't outline. Everything came to me as I wrote. I had no idea what would happen in my story until I sat down to type.
4. However, when I started writing it though, my intention was to have Aly end up with the guy who she actually did not end up with. It was really hard on me writing the scene where she tells him it's over.
5. Aly is a definite cryer. I know that has annoyed a lot of people and the funny thing is, it got to me too. It's so true though when you hear authors say their characters tell them what to write and if you don't, you end up changing it anyway. When I'd be writing a scene and Aly would start to cry, after a while I was like, "Really?" But it's who she is and I wouldn't change her for the world.
Laura Dunaway has been married to her prince for 17 years and together they are raising three amazing kids. While she's always had a passion for reading and writing, it wasn't until this past year that she finally realized she should pursue her dream of writing a book. After many many attempts at starting one, Distorted was finally the one that flowed and before she knew it, she'd written The End. When she's not busy shuttling her kids to lessons and practices and making dinner, she's busy behind her computer writing her next book.
Laura Dunaway has been married to her prince for 17 years and together they are raising three amazing kids. While she's always had a passion for reading and writing, it wasn't until this past year that she finally realized she should pursue her dream of writing a book. After many many attempts at starting one, Distorted was finally the one that flowed and before she knew it, she'd written The End. When she's not busy shuttling her kids to lessons and practices and making dinner, she's busy behind her computer writing her next book.
Laura will be giving away one ecopy of DISTORTED at each blog stop as well as a grand prize! Please leave a comment for Laura and your email address so a winner could be chosen. Thanks!
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Congratulations on the new release - interesting trivia on how Distorted got written - I'm not big on heroines that cry but there are times when it's all you can for the giveaway
junegirl63 at gmail dot com
Books sounds really good! hope to win!
Great post! There are a lot of great things that just start out as a "fluke", so congrats on yours :) I'm excited to read this story!
Hi Laura, I love the beauty on the cover of your book! I love the long time crush vs the long time faithful friend story! I wonder which one will win her love?
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