Just one tiny secret has the potential to ruin everything.
Being the daughter of the sheriff in a small town like Holden Ridge means that eighteen-year-old Danielle “Dani” Marks’ life is under constant surveillance. She’s made a habit of staying under the radar by being a floater among social circles at school, which has kept her out of trouble—until now.
After a missing persons case stirs up the entire town, Dani finds herself caught right in the middle of the scandal. When she’s labeled a possible suspect, things quickly go from bad to worse. The sudden return of her old flame, Parker Reed, manages to make her whole situation even more complicated.
When an elusive unknown person begins to blackmail Dani by threatening to reveal her deepest secrets, Dani refuses to play along. That is, until the person’s actions take a violent turn. Holden Ridge loses its sense of quaint town security, and Dani is caught in a deadly game of cat and mouse.
Who can she trust when anyone around her could be a suspect?
One thing’s for certain though: Never underestimate the power of one tiny secret.

This is a great read for when you are cozy in your bed late at night. You will fly through it, because the suspense will keep you turning the pages. I will be rereading this one around Halloween for sure! Adam Kunz paints the picture perfectly of a gusty harvest moon night, that had me forgetting that I am currently in the middle of a hot summer. With the exception of some repetitive phrases that had me rolling my eyes, saying enough with that one already, the writing is very good. I'm pretty sure you could make a drinking game that every time that you read the word "pumpkin ale", to take a drink. But all joking aside, if that's all I can fault this book with, then that is pretty damn good. I really did like this author's writing style. It used the right amount of description that put me right there in the scene with the characters. I was on edge and nervous. The dialogue is believable for characters in their late teens and early twenties, and had a lot of humor that kept me laughing.
The main character Dani is the right mix of sassy and smart. She has an interesting past and doesn't trust many people to help her with her problems in this book. Along with the suspense, there is a romance that is being rekindled. The only person that she has to help her put the pieces of the mystery together is her former flame, Parker Reed. Parker plays the part of the hottie ex trying to make amends for past mistakes with Dani. He is the only person that she can trust in this book, which considering their history, is ironic. The large supporting cast of characters are great and very well developed. They are a diverse group of people that keep things interesting.
One Tiny Secret feels like a Young Adult genre book at the beginning, because the characters are in high school, but that's where it ends. This book moves quickly into the New Adult category with its subject matter that is listed in the warning. The high school kids are having secret parties, hanging out in bars, and having sex with college students. This isn't a negative. It was good, and added a little edge to the story. I liked it and it worked for me. Compared to what I usually read, this was a very tame book. This is the first book that I have read from Adam Kunz. I really like how he developed the story and characters' relationships. I would highly recommend that you check this one out if you are looking for a fun and scary read.
One Tiny Secret feels like a Young Adult genre book at the beginning, because the characters are in high school, but that's where it ends. This book moves quickly into the New Adult category with its subject matter that is listed in the warning. The high school kids are having secret parties, hanging out in bars, and having sex with college students. This isn't a negative. It was good, and added a little edge to the story. I liked it and it worked for me. Compared to what I usually read, this was a very tame book. This is the first book that I have read from Adam Kunz. I really like how he developed the story and characters' relationships. I would highly recommend that you check this one out if you are looking for a fun and scary read.

10 Things you don't know about Danielle “Dani” Marks:
So, say you just finished reading One Tiny Secret (or haven’t started yet and are just curious) and you then find yourself asking, what else don’t we know about Dani Marks? If this is the case, then you’re in luck, because here are 10 things that you might not know about her:
1) Dani absolutely LOVES peanut butter cookies.
2) Her favorite color is purple.
3) Her father made her get on a roller coaster with him when she was young, and it was such a traumatic experience that it caused Dani to loathe them entirely.
4) She totally ADORES the Harry Potter books and movies.
5) Dani’s guilty pleasure television show is Pretty Little Liars.
6) If she were stranded on an island, the one thing she’d want with her would be Parker Reed.
7) Her favorite station on Pandora radio would most definitely have to be the Thriller (by Michael Jackson) station.
8) If she wasn’t already planning to go to college for journalism, she’d pursue a career in graphic design.
9) Dani’s birthday is on July 21st.
10) Annnd last, but not least, she received her first C ever in school in biology because she refused to participate in any of the animal dissections.
Well, I hope you’ve enjoyed learning a little bit more about Dani. I’m sure she won’t mind me telling you all these things especially since her story is already out there for the public to read. At least the stuff I just mentioned is nowhere near as private or invasive as some of the things are that were revealed in One Tiny Secret.
The reviewer compares this book to "Scream" and "I Know What You Did...". That's quite a compliment. I think I will love this book since I love the book, But in a book there's no visible blood which is fine with me!
Please enter me in the giveaway and thank you.
I'm dying to read it because it sounds like a scary mystery. I'm all about it. One Tiny Lie? Who can you trust? Bring it! My email is robinprete@verizon.net
I want to read this because even though this is not what I normally read, it sounds so intriguing and really good. Thanks for the giveaway!!
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