Bad Boy. Screw-up. Good for nothing. Hero. Angel. These were all words Grayson ‘Torren’ Trammel had heard whispered behind his back over his lifetime. What he hadn't heard was ‘quitter,’ and he’d be damned if some little rehab chick, with her beautiful brown hair, and hot, sassy little mouth was going to label him as such.
To My…
Tru knows Grayson’s not for her. He’s too bad. Too hot. Too demanding. Too taken.
She tells herself that almost daily as she helps Grayson get back into fighting shape after a horrific accident nearly ripped his life away from him. That had taken the life of one of the men in his MC.
Grayson is everything her father warned her about, but there’s just something about him that intrigues her. That makes her want more.
The man's a firefighter. How bad could he be?
Apparently, he could be way worse than bad, but he could also be so very, very good. Something Tru realizes, rather quickly, when the two can no longer fight the pull that’s between them.
Now there’s only one word she wants to hear when it comes to him: his.
Okay I am just going to say it. The Heroes Of Dixie Wardens
MC series is now cemented on my favorite series list, and this list is one that
isn’t easy to be put on. I may like a
lot of what I read, but for me to like each and every book of a series is rare,
but when that happens they get added to my favorite list. That is exactly what has happened with this
series and Charge To My Line made
that happen.
I loved the banter between Torren and Tru, and especially
how she umm jumps him from the start is something that I loved. The tension between them was intense and to
say that it was smoking hot would be an understatement. Holy hell I always knew firemen were sexy,
but good god damn these guys can make women’s panties burst into flames from
how hot these guys are. If your kindle
starts smoking you know why.
I am going to say this again, I already told the author this
after reading this that I will take one for the team, for her to make me a
character in her next book just so I can beat a certain bitch’s ass that needs
an attitude adjustment, one that comes by my fist… If you have read this series you will know
exactly who I am referring to.
Lani LynnVale, you have made this reviewer completely fall
in love with these guys. I am anxiously looking
forward to what you have planned next. I
am not sure if this will be the last of this series or if there will be more in
the future, but it is safe to say I will be reading them if there are, that is
for damn sure.

I’m a married mother of three. My kids are all under 5, so I can assure you that they are a handful. I’ve been with my paramedic husband now for ten years, and we’ve produced three offspring that are nothing like us. I live in the greatest state in the world, Texas.


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