When Ben Harris agreed to fill in as a cover model at an author signing he wasn’t sure what to expect, but women throwing themselves at him, numbers being stuffed in his pocket, and covert attempts at getting into his hotel room definitely wasn’t it. On the other hand, there is the hottie assistant he can’t keep his eyes off...
...for her love.
Clarissa Darling is always eager to be her cousin’s assistant at signings, but the one thing she wasn’t planning on this time around is the sexy man candy posing for pictures at her table. The last thing she needs is another womanizing playboy chasing after her.
Ben is determined to show Clarissa that he’s more than just a pretty face and smoking body. He’s betting on wearing her down and weakening her resistance. Will one taste of this man candy be all it takes to have her craving more?
Jessica is the author of the Love Square & Concierge series. She grew up in Central New York, where currently lives with her husband and three dogs. Her days are spent as a Security Analyst at an IT consulting company. In her free time, she enjoys reading books and developing ideas for her own stories. Writing is her secret passion that she's been fostering since elementary school, when she wrote her first book about a puppy. It has always been a dream of hers to be able to share her stories with the world.
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