Velasquez had all the answers. At least, all the answers she wanted. She had
everything she needed in life. Great job. Great apartment. Big crazy family.
Her health, blah, blah, blah. See, everything
she needed. So why was a stranger, who knew nothing about her life, making her
feel so uncertain? Why was she suddenly questioning those needs? And why did he
make her burn in a way she’d never felt before? Bailey hated questions without answers,
especially when it seemed the answer itself, was but a simple question.
Melanie is an amazing mother of
four, an awesome and tolerant wife to one, and nurse to many. If you don't
believe her, just ask anyone in her family, they know what to say. She is also
a devoted chauffeur, the keeper of missing socks, a genius according to a seven
year old, the coolest soccer uniform coordinator according to a thirteen year
old, and the best damn mac-n-cheese-with-cut-up-hot-dog maker in the whole
world. Well that last title isn't really official, but it's still pretty cool
to be called it.
When not being ordered around
by any of the kids, you can find her with her nose in a book or on the sideline
of a soccer game cheering on one team or another. But that's mostly because she
has a thing for the coach. When not doing all of the above, you can find her
obsessed with a group of fictional characters all vying for a spot on the page
of whatever she's working on. It's a fun and crazy life to lead, but she
wouldn't have it any other way.
Twitter: @MelanieCodina
www.MelanieCodina.com (under construction at the moment)
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