Issac and Stacy have been married for ten years. They’ve worked and tried so hard to start a family. Finally, they have Sophie. Issac’s construction business is successful and thriving. Stacy is loving being a stay at home mom and starting a romance book blog. Everything is clicking in place. Until one evening when Issac steals away for a private phone call. The next day Stacy receives naughty text messages from her husband that she is sure were not meant for her. Is Issac cheating? She knows things haven’t been the same since Sophie was born, but would he turn to someone else?
Issac knows things have been stressful. But he loves his wife; he adores her. He sets out to recapture their dwindling romance. Holy cow and how that man recaptures! Phew! Where was this book thirteen years ago when I had my first child?! Seriously! What new mom hasn’t felt unsure about her body after giving birth or felt the slight disconnect from her husband because you’re both running ragged adjusting to family life? This novella from the With Me in Seattle series takes us through those vulnerable feelings it can cause and how to rectify it. ;) I just want to take this whole novella and highlight several passages for my husband and leave them nonchalantly lying open where he can’t miss them; like maybe taped to his eyeballs. :) This was such a sweet, steamy read that I thoroughly enjoyed.
My absolute favorite quote from this book comes from Issac as he’s lying in bed with his wife. Such tender beauty Ms. Proby conveys.
He gently traces the evidence of my pregnancy with his fingertip. “These aren’t ugly, baby.” He nuzzles my belly. “We did work hard for them, and you earned them. They’re fading. But even if they never go away, every mark was worth it. Because without them, we wouldn’t have Soph.”
Greet review! This sounds like a must read. Loved your favorite qoute!
this book sounds so adorable, lots of great reviews! Glad you enjoyed it :D
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