A civil, social and legal institution under which two consenting adults establish a life-long relationship based on love and commitment.
Scott Wilson and Brandon Lawrence want what all their friends have – marriage, kids, and a dream kitchen in the biggest house they can afford.
The only thing stopping them – the state of Florida.
But sweeping change is on the horizon, and their story only delivers fairytale endings and happily ever afters. What the world can learn from Scott and Brandon’s story is that living in harmony is always better than living with hostility. That acceptance of people’s differences is always easier than dissension, and that love always triumphs over hate.
Chapter Two – Marry Me
“I love you,” I whisper feeling tears wanting to escape my eyes. “I’m so jealous of all of them, and I feel like the world’s worst friend because I’m thinking that way. I love Emma to death, and I’m so happy she found Luke and has a second chance at love. But with Shane and Katie expecting a baby and the romance that Mia and Isaac think they’re hiding from the world, I just feel cheated. When do we get our happily ever after?” As soon as it’s all out, I feel like shit for saying anything. Gay marriage is legal in almost half the country now, but still not here. My state still bans me from legally binding my life with Brandon. I want marriage and kids and a mortgage we can’t afford. I’m a traditionalist . . . but I’m gay. And in Florida that means I can’t marry the love of my life.
“Scott,” he pauses covering my lips with his. One long kiss that invades my brain completely chases away my sour mood. “I’m already living my happily ever after with you. We’ve made a life together, a perfect life. But I’ll jump a plane to Massachusetts tomorrow if that’s what it takes to make you happy. In my heart, we’re already joined forever. I love you.”
I’m so caught up in the moment, I have no thoughts other than him . . . me . . . marriage. The moment is perfect. Grabbing Brandon’s hand I pull him with me as I race to the water’s edge. The sun has set, but the night sky is crystal clear and blanketed with twinkling lights from thousands of stars. The moon is full and blends shadows with the darkness that creates a mood so rich with romance I truly want to get married right here – right now. I don’t care that Sierra is waiting for me in the Fiesta Rentals parking lot, wondering if I shanghaied the picnic table and 100 tiki torches. I don’t care that I’m about to lower to one knee in my very new and very expensive Tommy Bahama linen pants. The salty ocean water is surely going to destroy my new Sperrys, but I don’t care. I don’t care that Brandon is trying to hurry me along. When did he become the responsible guy and we transition roles? All I know is that I want that promise. His promise of forever. When I kneel in front of him, he smiles large and laughs as I express momentary concern over the demise of my new linen pants and brand new Sperrys.
“Brandon Lawrence, I love you. And I want to make all your dreams come true. I want marriage and kids and a dream kitchen in the biggest house we can afford. As soon as it’s legal in Florida, will you marry me?”
“Do you realize what you’ve just done to your shoes, Scott? I mean, we’re wearing brand new $160 Sperrys, man!” Dropping to the sand with me, I’m treated to a kiss that rocks my world. “And, of course I’ll marry you. We don’t have to wait for Florida, Scott. I meant what I said. I’ll get on a plane tomorrow if that’s what it takes to convince you. I want to grow old with you. I want you to believe we’ll have all that and more.”
BA Dillon is a devoted wife and mother of two grown children, and a dedicated middle school teacher. Writing has always been an outlet for Dillon as she believes words are both powerful and magical. Tethered Through Time is Dillon’s debut novel, with two companion novels on the horizon. Dillon also writes a monthly column, “Turn the Page,” for the magazine 85 South, Out and About. As an avid, passionate reader Dillon gets deeply invested in books, especially if they are full of great dialogue between believable characters. She loves music, words, books, and martinis!
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