The first time I met him, I instantly loathed him.
The second time was even worse.
He was a jerk. He was an ass.
He had secrets.
He was nothing I thought I ever wanted.
So why couldn’t I resist him?
New adult. Not recommended for readers under 17.
That blurb, yeah the one right about where my review starts, is what had me wanting to read this book. A bad boy, the type fathers warn their daughters about, an asshole, has tattoos, your all around bad boy image, I was like yes! Oh and that cover didn’t hurt either, can you say I want to take a bite out of those abs, yum! So you are wondering after all that hype, is the book any good? I can say, hell yes it is that good and sexy and O.M.G. I wish Gable was real cause I would fight for a piece of this man. *Sigh* okay time for me to get serious, well maybe after one more look at those abs, okay now it’s time to get down to business.
Gable is everything the blurb say he is, he is a jerk, he is an ass, he is a bad boy but he also has secrets. It is those secrets that cause him to be the way he is. He doesn’t trust easily and he hates liars because of those secrets. Not going to share what they are you have to read for yourself but while normally I am not one to say okay maybe that is a good reason to be they way you are but this time I can see why. Just trust me here people. Now does he deserve Scout’s assessment of how he is, yeah he does up until a point because Scout has some secrets of her own, some that could cause Gable to walk away.
Scout has lost her trust as well. When she clashes with Gable the first couple of times I was like ut oh she has some attitude that is for sure. Did she border on bitchy, yes at times she did. When she starts to get closer to Gable she is surprised to see what she learns, all thanks to a school project but can she handle it when the project is finished? I’ll just say this, I didn’t agree with how she handled some things but I could understand her reluctance to open up.
Overall, I really enjoyed Gable. Yes it did have some eye rolling moments and yes both Scout and Gable needed to be shaken a couple of times to get through their thick skulls, but for me it was a really good read that had me laughing at times, on the edge of my seat at others and left me with a smile on my face when I was done reading. I think I just found another series that I am going to be hooked on if the rest of the series is as good as Gable was.
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo

That brought me out of my stupor and I spun around, glaring up at him. “You can’t talk to me like that!” I hissed under my breath, glancing around self-consciously to make sure no one was watching our exchange.
He peered down at my chest where my nipples were standing at full attention under my t-shirt. “From the looks of it, I think you like me talking to you like that.” Then he leaned in closer. “What’s the matter? Never been talked dirty to before, Priss?” When he pulled back, I saw that the half grin was now going strong and his luminous brown eyes were dancing with humor at his having riled me.
Holy hell.
As I kept glowering at him, having no response to that, I noticed a girl next to us gawking at us, and embarrassed, I smiled shyly at her, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear, trying to act normal. When she turned away, I whisper-hissed at him, “Are you kidding me right now? Just who do you think you are?”
He bent again to get close to my ear. “I’m the guy who’ll have you coming hard before the semester’s over,” he answered evenly, his eyes shimmering with cockiness as they burned into mine when he stood straight again.
Mesmerized, I gazed back at him, lost in him, wanting what he was selling, God, how did he do that, until it hit me that I should be offended by his boldness and I suddenly frowned. “What is your deal?” I screeched making several students look at me and felt my face burning even hotter than it already was at his inappropriate comments. I turned to get away from him mumbling, “Oh, my God,” but he grabbed me by the arm pulling me in close.
“You don’t have to call me God. Gable works, but I’m sure I’ll be making you scream both soon,” he whispered close to my ear.
I pushed against his chest (of course he didn’t budge at all) and jerked my arm from his grasp with a scowl then moved as far away from him as I could, going to the back of the line to wait until he left. Standing there, I closed my eyes trying to get a hold of myself but could still see his seductive gaze searing into mine as he smirked while saying those things to me, as if he was so confident that they’d happen regardless of what I had to say about it.
And the really bad thing about it? As I stood there, a complete emotional mess from what’d just happened, I found I actually wanted those things to happen, which served to embarrass me even more not to mention just totally baffle me. I mean, I’d only slept with one guy, Hayden, my first and only boyfriend, and that’d been after we’d dated for almost a year so it wasn’t like I got around much, so what was wrong with me that I was all in for having sex with someone I barely knew? Someone who’d been an ass to me from day one. Someone who obviously had way more experience than I had.
As I stood behind everyone, I swallowed thickly, my cheeks still on fire, wondering who the hell I was, and when I moved my eyes to the front I saw Gable write his person’s number down in his notebook, smile at a girl who was gazing up at him like he was a damned rock star then he left without even a glance back at me.
When I finally got to the front, I wrote my person’s number down quickly and got the heck out of there because a few people were still watching me curiously. As I walked outside the building, I cautiously surveyed the area making sure Gable hadn’t hung around wanting to torment me some more but saw that he was off to my right talking to his friend, Mr. Tactful, and they were near the parking lot which was a good twenty yards away. I also saw that Gable was smoking. Well, total turnoff right there. Good. At least he had something about him that repulsed me (other than his cocky attitude, that is), and when I saw the coast was clear, I let out the breath I was holding, relief flooding over me along with a bit of disappointment at his unhealthy habit, and headed away in the opposite direction from him, going to my next class.

After traveling the nation in her younger years as a military brat, having lived in Alaska, Washington State and California, she now resides in Oklahoma with her teenage daughter, two dogs and one cat, happily writing stories that she hopes her readers will enjoy.

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